Donations sought
•TerraCycle Inc. and Old Navy are collecting used flip-flops to recycle for use in public playgrounds from April 22 to May 21 at all Old Navy locations.
Some of the country's largest nurseries are using used butter tubs instead of the typical black ones made from virgin plastic thanks to an initiative by TerraCycle.
That scale that Looptworks' Hamlin is aiming for is already happening on the post-consumer end of the upcycling market. If Etsy is considered the epicenter of do-it-yourself upcycling, then New Jersey-based TerraCycle takes on that same function in mass upcycling. The company turns actual garbage into hundreds of products, like Oreo wrapper backpacks and bicycle chain picture frames. With a large-scale collection infrastructure developed over the past 10 years, TerraCycle nabs about 1 billion pieces of garbage every quarter that ultimately end up on the shelves of big-box retailers like Target and The Home Depot.
A great article that the Hungarian business magazine Figyelo ran on TerraCycle and our CEO Tom Szaky.
Tang potencia su nueva campaña por el medio ambiente con una propuesta directamente dirigida a los chicos. Para invitar a los más pequeños a aportar sus ideas para cuidar el planeta, Tang se acerca a la salida de los colegios y clubes con su divertido Taller Móvil, en donde los chicos pueden contar libremente qué se les ocurre hacer por el medio ambiente. Allí comparten sus ideas, guiados por un amigable actor en el rol de científico; que los ayuda a contar su propuesta.
Obviamente, toda la actividad está acompañada por el staff Tang; que en su recorrida por las escuelas de Capital y Gran Buenos Aires y entidades deportivas, entrega información relacionada con la temática, además de regalos sorpresa hechos con material reciclado y producto para disfrutar.
También podés participar subiendo tu video en Los 3 videos más votados, reciben una bicicleta chopera de Tang y si resultás ganador entre todos los participantes por haber realizado la propuesta más original y creativa, Tang te premia con la concreción de tu idea.
Además el staff de Tang continúa con su campaña de reciclaje, incentivando a los chicos a que formen brigadas para la recolección de sobres. Los mismos se reciclarán y por cada sobre enviado, Terracycle, con el auspicio de Tang, donará 10 centavos a una ONG que cuida el agua o la organización que la brigada elija.
TerraCycle got a cover story in the magazine El Empaque, continue reading this post to read the article.
Because Earth Day Is Every Day
Coming to a local garden center near you: Some of the country's largest nurseries are using recycled butter tubs instead of brand-new black plastic planters this spring as part of a new initiative from TerraCycle, a company that creates fun new products from recycled packaging. Learn more (and find out how you can get involved) at
Starting April 22 and running through May 21, shoppers at Old Navy stores can deposit their used flip flops in collection bins found inside any Old Navy store. TerraCycle, an international upcycling and recycling company, will then recycle the flip-flops into playgrounds which will be donated to communities around the country.
Like any serious presidential hopeful, Albert James is already working on his campaign platform.
Never mind that he can’t actually run until 2036.
While he waits, Albert, a fourth grader at Park Lodge Elementary School, is busy coordinating his school’s TerraCycle program, a brigade to recycle products that are used in every home. He got the idea last fall from an advertisement on the back of a Capri Sun box.
Intrigued by the prospect of raising money for his school, Albert set off on a mission.
“He came to me and said ‘Mrs. Parrish, I really want to help the environment and help our school be better recyclers,’ ” said his teacher, Cathy Parrish.