Posts with term TerraCycle X

Local schools turning trash into cash via eco-friendly company

Earth Day might be two weeks away, but Baldwin County residents have no shortage of options for going green a little earlier than usual. Trenton, N.J.-based TerraCycle, Inc. has partnered with Old Navy and Office Depot to run recycling drives across the country throughout the month of April, and at least eight local schools have found a new fundraising partner in the process.


  In a world of where small businesses are run, TerraCycle is the name of a company that has a very unusual business model. This company which is progressing in “going-global” phase turns the world’s waste into new products. The production is carried by collection of non-recyclable waste mainly from manufacturers, also some from school, charities and other community groups. And as by becoming partners with manufactures to “recycle: of “upcycle” that waste materials into new products like plastic lumber from juice pouches and shower curtains from sewn-together granola wrappers. TerraCycle evolved from being a consumer products company that sold worm waste to Wal-Mart and other retailers to being a company that runs waste collection programs and oversees more than 1,500 unique products that are made from the collected material.

Eco-friendly plant pots at local Wal-Mart

  Garden center shoppers in the North Brunswick Wal-Mart, 979 Route 1 south, will see something other than the black pots in which flowers are traditionally sold. Garden State Growers and TerraCycle are offering annuals in upcycled margarine tubs. The upcycled pots are a more eco-friendly option because they eliminate the need to use virgin plastic and can be returned to TerraCycle to be used again. The plants will retail for approximately $5 each and will be shipped April 17 to the North Brunswick Wal-Mart as well as other select Wal-Mart stores in New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. TerraCycle collects non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste and uses it to create affordable, eco-friendly products. Through this partnership with Garden State Growers, one of the largest nurseries in New Jersey, TerraCycle has found an end-of-life solution for the Country Crock, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, Promise, and Brummel & Brown tubs it has diverted from landfills.

Tubs recycled as plant containers

Plants just got greener. As part of a six-state initiative, 200 Walmart stores throughout the Northeast have partnered with Garden State Growers, a family-owned Hunterdon County nursery, and TerraCycle, a New Jersey based company that specializes in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable or difficult-to-recycle post-consumer waste, to offer a new spin on plastic plant pots for sale at Walmart. The new eco-friendly option replaces traditional, disposable pots, in which flowers are typically sold, and instead gives plastic containers like Country Crock tubs and I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter tubs a second life.

Promo Tang

Tang potencia su nueva campaña por el medio ambiente con una propuesta directamente dirigida a los chicos. Para invitar a los más pequeños a aportar sus ideas para cuidar el planeta, Tang se acerca a la salida de los colegios y clubes con su divertido Taller Móvil, en donde los chicos pueden contar libremente qué se les ocurre hacer por el medio ambiente. Allí comparten sus ideas, guiados por un amigable actor en el rol de científico; que los ayuda a contar su propuesta. Obviamente, toda la actividad está acompañada por el staff Tang; que en su recorrida por las escuelas de Capital y Gran Buenos Aires y entidades deportivas, entrega información relacionada con la temática, además de regalos sorpresa hechos con material reciclado y producto para disfrutar. También podés participar subiendo tu video en http://www.clubtang.com.ar. Los 3 videos más votados, reciben una bicicleta chopera de Tang y si resultás ganador entre todos los participantes por haber realizado la propuesta más original y creativa, Tang te premia con la concreción de tu idea. Además el staff de Tang continúa con su campaña de reciclaje, incentivando a los chicos a que formen brigadas para la recolección de sobres. Los mismos se reciclarán y por cada sobre enviado, Terracycle, con el auspicio de Tang, donará 10 centavos a una ONG que cuida el agua o la organización que la brigada elija.

children at Braidbar primary are on a mission to help reduce landfill waste

Meanwhile, children at Braidbar primary are on a mission to help reduce landfill waste. They have been collecting empty Danone Activia, Shape and Actimel yogurt containers. The students earn two pence for every one they collect and return to TerraCycle – a company that turns them into eco-friendly products such as lunch bags. Headteacher Sheena Phee said: “We joined the Danone yogurt brigade in October and have collected 476 pots and bottles to date. “The money earned will be used towards developing an eco-garden”.