Posts with term TerraCycle X

Get paid for recycling

CHILDREN from north Durham have been learning about the importance of recycling. Pupils at South Stanley Infant and Nursery School in Stanley, have been collecting empty yoghurt pots They earn 2p for every container from TerraCycle, which turns the collected materials into affordable, eco-friendly upcycled products such as lunch bags. Teaching assistant Carol Jackson said: "South Stanley Infant and Nursery School joined the Danone Yogurt Brigade in October 2010 and to date we have collected over 200 yogurt pots and bottles earning money for the school. "The money will be used to help develop an outdoor play area. "But the real value for the school is how excited the children get about how many plastic pots they can save and enabling us to teach them practically the importance of resource conservation and recycling." The school is part of a free nationwide programme called "Brigades" that pays organisations such as schools and charities to collect difficult to recycle waste that could otherwise go to landfill. The firm uses the waste material to make a wide range of products such as folders for schools, pencil cases, shopping bags, notepads and more. Mrs Jackson added: "It is great to see how excited they get about how many plastic pots they have collected. It is quite inspiring." Ends Schools, organisations or individuals can learn more about the programmes or sign up to a brigade for free by logging on to www.terracycle.co.uk

Get paid for recycling

CHILDREN from north Durham have been learning about the importance of recycling. Pupils at South Stanley Infant and Nursery School in Stanley, have been collecting empty yoghurt pots They earn 2p for every container from TerraCycle, which turns the collected materials into affordable, eco-friendly upcycled products such as lunch bags. Teaching assistant Carol Jackson said: "South Stanley Infant and Nursery School joined the Danone Yogurt Brigade in October 2010 and to date we have collected over 200 yogurt pots and bottles earning money for the school. "The money will be used to help develop an outdoor play area. "But the real value for the school is how excited the children get about how many plastic pots they can save and enabling us to teach them practically the importance of resource conservation and recycling." The school is part of a free nationwide programme called "Brigades" that pays organisations such as schools and charities to collect difficult to recycle waste that could otherwise go to landfill. The firm uses the waste material to make a wide range of products such as folders for schools, pencil cases, shopping bags, notepads and more. Mrs Jackson added: "It is great to see how excited they get about how many plastic pots they have collected. It is quite inspiring." Ends Schools, organisations or individuals can learn more about the programmes or sign up to a brigade for free by logging on to www.terracycle.co.uk

Waste not want not is school's mantra

Waste not want not is school's mantra ST MARY'S School in Chiddingfold is part of a free nationwide programme that pays organisations such as schools and charities to collect difficult to recycle waste that could otherwise go to landfill. The waste material is then used by TerraCycle to make a wide range of upcycled products such as folders for schools, pencil cases, shopping bags, notepads. For each empty yogurt pot and baby food pouch the children collect, the school receives two pence which they plan to put towards better outdoor facilities. At the same time as raising much needed funds for the school, the scheme brings to life to the children the importance of resource conservation, recycling and upcycling. Teacher Mrs Maidment said: The children and parents are excited to be able to make a difference in their environment, while also raising money for the school.

Get paid for recycling

Get paid for recycling 11:45am Thursday 7th April 2011 CHILDREN from north Durham have been learning about the importance of recycling. Pupils at South Stanley Infant and Nursery School in Stanley, have been collecting empty yoghurt pots They earn 2p for every container from TerraCycle, which turns the collected materials into affordable, eco-friendly upcycled products such as lunch bags. Teaching assistant Carol Jackson said: "South Stanley Infant and Nursery School joined the Danone Yogurt Brigade in October 2010 and to date we have collected over 200 yogurt pots and bottles earning money for the school. "The money will be used to help develop an outdoor play area. "But the real value for the school is how excited the children get about how many plastic pots they can save and enabling us to teach them practically the importance of resource conservation and recycling." The school is part of a free nationwide programme called "Brigades" that pays organisations such as schools and charities to collect difficult to recycle waste that could otherwise go to landfill. The firm uses the waste material to make a wide range of products such as folders for schools, pencil cases, shopping bags, notepads and more. Mrs Jackson added: "It is great to see how excited they get about how many plastic pots they have collected. It is quite inspiring." Ends Schools, organisations or individuals can learn more about the programmes or sign up to a brigade for free by logging on to www.terracycle.co.uk

Återvinn förbrukade pennor

BIC, producent av kulspetspennor startar nu ett samarbete med TerraCycle, som går ut på att möjliggöra insamling av förbrukade pennor. Skolor, kontor och företag kan nu samla in sina förbrukade pennor som sedan kommer att återvinnas och åter komma till nytta.

“Prepará, Tomá y Hacé por el planeta”

TANG potencia su nueva campaña por el medio ambiente con una propuesta directamente dirigida a los chicos. Para invitar a los más pequeños a aportar sus ideas para cuidar el planeta, TANG se acerca a la salida de los colegios y clubes con su divertido TallerMóvil, en donde los chicos pueden contar libremente qué se les ocurre hacer por el medio ambiente. Allí comparten sus ideas, guiados por un amigable actor en el rol de científico; que los ayuda a contar su propuesta. Obviamente, toda la actividad está acompañada por el staff TANG; que en su recorrida por las escuelas de Capital y Gran Buenos Aires y entidades deportivas, entrega información relacionada con la temática, además de regalos sorpresa hechos con material reciclado y producto para disfrutar. También podés participar subiendo tu video en www.clubtang.com.ar. Los 3 videos más votados, reciben una bicicleta chopera de TANG y si resultás ganador entre todos los participantes por haber realizado la propuesta más original y creativa, TANG te premia con la concreción de tu idea. Además el staff de TANG continúa con su campaña de reciclaje, incentivando a los chicos a que formen brigadas para la recolección de sobres. Los mismos se reciclarán y por cada sobre enviado, Terracycle, con el auspicio de TANG, donará 10 centavos a una ONG que cuida el agua o la organización que la brigada elija. Volvete protagonista para cuidar el medio ambiente!.

Programa de reutilizacion de envases

La firma Tang junto con TerraCycle lanzó el Primer Programa de Reutilización de Envases de Bebidas en Polvo, a fin de generar en las futuras generaciones una mayor inquietud y concientización por las cuestiones ambientales. Asimismo, la iniciativa apunta también a promover la cultura del cuidado del medio ambiente de una manera amigable. Para ello, el público en general podrá inscribirse y formar parte de la Brigada Tang. El proyecto tiene previsto un programa de donaciones para la institución Espacio Agua, o las organizaciones sin fines de lucro y escuelas elegidas por cada Equipo de recolección. TerraCycle costeará los gastos de envío y donará $ 0,10 por cada sobre recibido. De esta manera el programa no solo mantiene los residuos lejos de los basurales, sino que además colabora con las escuelas y ONG.