Posts with term TerraCycle X

Poll: Many want a greener life

One way to go green without costly changes is to take things you would ordinarily throw away and reuse them. Milk crates can become book shelves and metallic drink pouches can be stitched together to make pencil cases for the children. This practice is called upcycling and you can either do it yourself or contribute reusable household trash to organizations that convert it into eco-friendly products. Through free collection programs called Brigades, upcycling pioneer TerraCycle is collecting and paying for packaging waste from household staples.

Why not ‘upcycle’ what you can’t recycle?

No matter how good your company’s intentions when it comes to recycling as many items as possible to keep them out of landfills, there are some common office items that CANNOT currently be sent to recyclers. Stuff you might find in your desk drawer like pens, highlighter, glue sticks. That’s why TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/> , which makes products made out of things like this, is turning up the heat on what it calls its Office Product Brigades program. The initiative collects at least some of these things, earning your business a bit of a charitable deduction along the way. Here’s the pitch: For every writing implement, tape dispenser or glue bottle you return (regardless of the brand), TerraCycle will donate 2 cents to the charity of your choice. TerraCycle will pick up the shipping costs for boxes of whatever you send in. The clipboard to the right is an example of the sorts of things that TerraCycle makes out of what you send in. (The item in question happens to be made out of old circuit boards.) <http://i.bnet.com/blogs/circuitboardclipboard.jpg> TerraCycle’s partners in the Office Products Brigades program are 3M, Elmer’s Products, Papermaete, Sharpie and Scotch Tape. (Although as I mentioned before, it doesn’t matter what kind of stuff you turn in.) Even BEFORE this program was launched, TerraCycle has collected more than 250,000 pens, markers, glue bottles, spent tape dispensers and such from landfills. Start your day smarter with our daily e-mail newsletter <http://nl.com.com/acct_mgmt.sc?brand=smartplanet> . It's your cheat sheet for good ideas. Get it. <http://nl.com.com/acct_mgmt.sc?brand=smartplanet>

Santa Barbara City College Lecture Series

The Santa Barbara City College Center for Sustainability is presenting a “Cities as the Solution” lecture series on March 25the and 26th. The keynote speaker is Albe Zakes. The March 25th portion goes from 7pm to 9:30pm and March 26th is an all day event. For more information, please contact the SBCC Center for Sustainability by calling (805) 965-0581, ext. 2177. Or visit their website at Santa Barbara City College <http://sustainability.sbcc.edu/> . The fee for Friday is $5, Saturday is $30 for the all day event.

Being Green Without Changing Your Routine

To help, one company is offering consumers a way to reduce their household garbage while earning money for local schools or charities. Through free collection programs called Brigades, upcycling pioneer TerraCycle is collecting and paying for packaging waste from household staples -- from the bathroom to the kitchen to the classroom. Many major brands are getting on board with upcycling. Scott tissues and Huggies are sponsoring programs to collect plastic packaging waste from paper products and diapers. And since most oral hygiene products aren't recyclable, Colgate and TerraCycle have partnered to collect used toothbrushes and toothpaste cubes.

Umweltschutz mit alten Stiften

Wer hat alte Schreiberlinge zu Hause liegen? Her damit! Die Recyclefirma TerraCycle und der Kugelschreiberhersteller BIC sammeln die Schreibgeräte für ein Umweltprojekt. Mitmachen können Sammelgruppen aus Schulen, Kindertagesstätten und Kindergärten, die sich vorher auf der Internetseite des Projekts registriert haben. Der Abfall wird dann zu neuen Stiftehaltern, Mülltonnen oder Gießkannen verwertet. Pro eingesendetem Stift spenden die Firmen zudem zwei Cent an eine Hilfsorganisation.


Göteborg, 22 mars 2011 – BIC, världsledande varumärke inom kulspetspennor, startar idag ett samarbete med TerraCycle®, ett  ytänkande återvinningsföretag, i syfte att möjliggöra insamling av förbrukade pennor. Skolor och kontor kan nu samla in sina förbrukade pennor som sedan kommer att återvinnas och åter komma till nytta. Programmet sponsras av BIC och omfattar alla pennor, oavsett om de tillverkats av BIC® eller någon annan tillverkare. Pennorna samlas in och kan återvinnas till nya användbara produkter som t.ex. pennhållare, papperskorgar och vattenkannor.