Lunchables Lunch Combinations And Tori Spelling Invite America To Help Fuel Kid Fun

New Campaign Pledges Up to $100,000 to Boys & Girls Clubs of America

  MADISON, Wis., Aug. 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The Lunchables Lunch Combinations team is challenging America to help all kids have the opportunity to "Never Be Bored Again."  Today, the brand partnered with actress and celebrity mom, Tori Spelling, to launch a national campaign that will fund up to $100,000 to Boys & Girls Clubs of America and their sport and recreation programs.   Spelling and the Lunchables team invite families to capture photos of boredom-busting activities and share them by visiting the "Never Be Bored Again" application at Facebook.com/Lunchables. Every photo that's uploaded from today through October 15, 2012, will generate a $1 donation to Boys & Girls Clubs across America, up to $100,000, to help amp up the fun.  After uploading their photo, consumers will receive a $1-off coupon for new Lunchables with Smoothie, while supplies last.

Recycling makes cents

TerraCycle Canada is determined to keep as much waste from school lunches out of the landfill as possible. And it’s offering money to schools as an incentive. Founded in 2001, the international upcycling company collects used packaging (juice pouches, plastic bags, wrappers) and hard-to-recycle products (flip-flops, cosmetics, pens) and gives them new life as funky pencil cases, plastic garbage bins and park benches.

Upcycling, Recycling

Mit den Dingen, die wir in unserer Gesellschaft Müll nennen, können tolle Dinge und Dekorationen hergestellt wrden, die sich preiswert und hübsch auf ökologischen Feiern einsetzen lassen. Aus den Hause Terracycle kommen einige DIY Projekte, die für ökologische Feiern geeignet sind. Weitere do-it-yo urself Upcycling Anleitungen mit fast 100 Beispielen finden Sie im englischen Buch "Remake It!: Recycling Projects from the Stuff You Usually Scrap" der Terracycle Chefdesignerin Tiffany Threadgould. Erschienen bei Sterling Pub, März 2011.


Punkten Sie bei der nächsten Dinner Party mit diesen auffälligen Serviettenhaltern. Sie können sie, um dem Recycling Gedanken gerecht zu werden, immer und immer wieder verwenden. Eine gute Art, um eine Party zu dekorieren, ohne das dafür ein Euro fällig wird.

Haarklammer aus Schokoriegelverpackung

Das schönste Accessoire des Jahres ist etwas, was Sie ursprünglich wegwerfen wollten. Lernen Sie, wie Sie diese Haarklammer basteln können.

Neue Recyclinglösungen mit gemeinnützigem Zweck

Ein neuartiges Nachhaltigkeitskonzept bietet Verbrauchern in Deutschland erweiterte Recyclinglösungen und unterstützt gemeinnützige Zwecke. Die Sammelprogramme des Recycling- und Upcyclingunternehmens TerraCycle ermöglichen es öffentlichen und privaten Einrichtungen, ihren Abfall zu reduzieren. Durch das getrennte Sammeln ihrer leeren Stifte, Druckerpatronen und Trinkpacks können Schüler, Studenten und Arbeitnehmer gleichermaßen einen Beitrag zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit in ihren Einrichtungen leisten, indem sie die Materialien einem umweltfreundlichen und transparenten Recyclingprozess zuführen. Für die kostenlosen Programme von TerraCycle können sich alle Bildungseinrichtungen (z. B. Kindergärten und Schulen), Organisationen, Unternehmen, Behörden und Vereine in Deutschland online als Sammelstellen anmelden.

13º CANJE X CAMBIO - 01/09

El canje de materiales reciclables, constituye la principal actividad entorno al tema Residuos de Ecoclubes. El objetivo de esta campaña es fomentar la separación en origen de residuos inorgánicos y su posterior reciclado, apuntando a un cambio de hábitos de la población, como disminución del consumo.
Los esperamos el día sábado 01/09 de 10:00hs. a 13:00hs. en el Mercado de Economía Solidaria Bonpland (Bonpland 1660 y Honduras - Palermo). Traenos tus: PAPELES REVISTAS
En esta ocasión, a cambio, te vamos a dar un regalito a elección. Todas las BOTELLAS DE PLÁSTICO (sin tapitas ni etiquetas) que nos traigan van a ser recolectadas por elBanco de Bosques ¡Sumate a salvar los últimos bosques nativos que nos quedan en la Argentina! Los SACHETS DE LECHE, serán reutilizados por la organización de la sociedad civil CICODI. Los ECOLADRILLOS van a ser recolectados por la Red Solidaria En Caseros. Los SOBRES DE JUGO van a ser reutilizados por TerraCycle. Los VASOS DE TELGOPOR DESCARTABLES y LAS MACETAS NEGRAS DE PLÁSTICO serán reutilizadas por el Vivero Sonyando como macetas. Los CDs y DISKETTES van a ser recolectados por la artista plástica Eva Felice. Las REVISTAS DE MODA Y DECORACIÓN serán reutilizadas por la pintora Maria Colombo (http://www.mariack.com.ar/). TODO lo demás va a ser recolectado por la Cooperativa El Ceibo. Como llegar: Colectivos: 19- 34 - 39 - 55 - 93 - 108 - 111 - 127 - 140 - 151 - 161 - 166 - 168 - 176 A 8 cuadras de Av. Santa Fe que se encuentra el subte D y a 8 de Av. Corrientes que se encuentra el Subte B. Recuerden que el 15/09 estaremos realizando esta jornada en el Vivero Sonyando (Ladines 3611).

Schools across the area are going green

Students send their used supplies to TerraCycle, Inc. instead of to landfills. TerraCycle uses the items to create trash cans, watering cans, park benches, playgrounds, and other products that are sold at stores like Walmart and Whole Foods Market. In turn, every object students collect earns points toward a donation to the school or a charity. Nearby TerraCycle participants include Blair Mill Elementary School, Pennypack Elementary School, and Upper Moreland Intermediate School in Hatboro; Enfield Elementary School in Oreland; Epiphany of Our Lord School in Plymouth Meeting; and Robbins Park Environmental Education Center, Mattison Avenue Elementary School, Shady Grove Elementary School, and Lower Gwynedd Elementary School in Ambler. Art teacher Mary Arbuckle is the coordinator for Blair Mill and Pennypack. “I…thought it would [be] great to encourage all of my students to start collecting juice pouches to send to [TerraCycle],” Arbuckle explains via email. The schools have added glue sticks, laptops, computer mice, cell phones, candy wrappers, Lunchables, chip bags, energy bars, old shoes, and more to their collections.
The approximately 750 children from Blair Mill and Pennypack are very involved in the TerraCycle process. Teachers, staff, and children collect items at home and at school, and students “sort items to be shipped to [TerraCycle]….They are also using their imaginations and [coming] up with their own ideas for reusing items instead of throwing items away,” Arbuckle says.

Turning Waste into WOW – Tom Szaky of Terracycle Explains How

While most of his peers were at the library, or the bar, college freshmen Tom Szaky was busy launching a business out of his dorm room. For his first product he turned worm-poop into fertilizer as a way to transform waste into something useful. Since then he’s turned that first product into a multi-million dollar business Terracycle, with clients including Walmart and Home Depot. Inspiyr spoke with Tom about the mission of Terracycle, his favorite type of trash, and some advice for budding entrepreneurs or anyone looking to achieve their dreams.

That’s not Trash!

Something has been eating at me lately. Every time that I go to a sporting event, a school function or an event at work, I am disappointed to see how many water bottles and soda cans end up in the trash can. I will walk around moving them into the recycle bin and when others see me do this they sometimes start to do it as well, but something has to be done to get more people on board and put items in the proper containers. One problem is that often the recycle containers are poorly marked and another is that there are just too few recycle bins available. I know that putting an end to using bottles and cans for soft drinks and water is not going to stop. Although I do see more and more people carrying their reusable and refillable containers, there are just many occasions when it is too convenient to use bottle water, etc… So at least recycle the containers! As concerned Green Parents we need to talk to our children, our school officials, our parks and recs employees, office employees, etc… and educate on the importance of recycling. Two of Go Green America TV’s  favorite sources for recycling information and resources are Busch Systems and Terra Cycle.

Green Gardening

1 CowPots: One cow can produce about 120 pounds of manure a day, creating a huge carbon footprint. But clever Connecticut farmers found a great solution for recycling great amounts of waste: making plant pots. No, they're not stinky, but they do release nitrogen as they break down in the ground. They're available in sets of 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-inch square and round pots, as well as six-cell flats. A dozen 4-inch pots cost $9.94 from www.greenhousecatalog.com. See www.cowpots.com for other retailers. 4 Coir Pot: Round and square pots made of coconut husk fiber are available at some garden centers. A dozen TerraCycle 6-inch coir pots cost $24 online.