Earn FREE Old Navy Flip-Flops + Coupons for Recycling

TerraCycle is a recycling and upcycling company that collects traditionally non-recyclable waste and uses it to make new, affordable products.  Through a partnership with Old Navy, you can do the right thing for the environment and send your old flip flops to TerraCycle FREE of charge through the Flip Flop Brigade. For every 25 pairs sent in using a prepaid shipping label, you will receive a coupon for a FREE pair of flip flops from Old Navy and a packet of coupons for $10 off a purchase of $40 to use yourself and share with friends and family!  By doing something good for the planet, you can do something good for your wallet as well!

Flip Flop Recycling

Old Navy has teamed up with TerraCycle to collect old flip flops for recycling and wants your help. Collect 25 pairs from friends, neighbors, coworkers or school mates and mail them in (postage is free) and you’ll get a coupon for a free pair of flip flops, plus $10-off Old Navy coupons to share with anyone who contributed. Information: terracycle.com.

Personalizing Your Back-to-School

Save It – School Supplies With a Cause TerraCycle I had heard about for their green cleaning products. So I was pleasantly surprised when I found out about their amazing school supplies made completely of recycled items. Not only that, but students, teachers, or groups can coordinate a Brigade and collect the desired trash items to turn in for credit. TerraCycle will send you free shipping packages, labels, and how-tos to help you know what to collect, and when you send in a box of the appropriate items your school or non-profit will earn 2 cents per item!

La Collecte des Anges

Comme certains d'entre vous le savent déjà grâce a la newsletter du mois de Aout, nous organisons un concours pour la rentrée de septembre qui nous aidera a récolter des fonds pour l'association Portrait Animaux !

• Terra Cycle

Le but de TerraCycle est d’éliminer le concept de déchet, en créant des réseaux de recyclage nationaux pour des produits traditionnellement considérés comme non recyclables. La base de ce processus est de proposer des programmes de collecte (pour la plupart totalement gratuits) destinés à ramasser les déchets et à les transformer ensuite en une large gamme de produits et de matériaux.

Eco-friendly steps kids can take: Focus on kid-friendly green family tips

The message that the planet may be in peril is a big pill to swallow, especially when you're a kid. When trying to get your youngsters interested in becoming eco-friendly kids when heading back to the classroom, keep the lesson both simple and relatable. "Too often environmental education is all 'doom and gloom' — melting ice caps, disappearing honey bees, dying polar bears — but this only works to scare kids, not inspire or motivate them to make a difference," shares Albe Zakes, global vice president, media relations for TerraCycle, Inc. "Instead, making environmental responsibility fun, engaging, interactive — even a 'game' — is a far more effective way to get kids interested and motivated to do their part."

Engage kids with results they can see

According to treehugger.com, each student generates 240 pounds of waste and 18,760 pounds of lunch waste each year. But, how do you translate that into something tangible kids can understand? "Kids like to be able to see the impact of their actions," says Zakes. "Like all humans, they have relatively short attention spans and memories. Cleaning up a local water way or park allows them to take personal pride in the outcome, even doing a DIY or art project with recycled materials allows them to show off their work to family or friends. This personal connection will help drive more responsible behavior in the future."

Run a less wasteful business with tips from TerraCycle founder Tom Szaky

TerraCycle, a multinational recycling and upcycling company, got its start during founder Tom Szaky's freshman year at Princeton University. Here, the founder shares how natural retailers and natural businesses can become less wasteful.
Tom Szaky’s infectious passion has propelled TerraCycle, a multinational recycling and upcycling company, to be among the fastest-growing corporations in the nation. He will share more about his business from 9 to 10 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 20, in room 308/309 at Natural Products Expo East.   Natural Foods Merchandiser: How do you describe your business for those who don’t know about it? Tom Szaky: TerraCycle’s business revolves around the simple idea of making things recyclable that are not recyclable. Today, we are in 22 countries around the world where you can sign up to collect waste. You simply take a cardboard box and fill it up. Each waste stream goes into its own box, such as pens in one box, chip bags in another. Once the box is full, you download a free shipping label and send it to us. We typically credit your account 2 cents for every piece of waste you collect to allocate to any school or charity in the country. Then we take the waste and we do one of three things to it: reuse it, if it’s possible, we do that for example in our shoe program; upcycle it, for example juice packs into backpacks; or recycle it, where, for example, we melt chip bags into trash cans.