Remember my TerraCycle post awhile back? They are helping reduce chip waste too once we're done eating them, by recycling those Frito-Lay chips bags into products like FritoLay wrapper totes <> ! You can sign up to help by saving and sending in your chip bags!
Teen Kids News featured the TerraCycle Brigades. T/KN airs on more than 200 TV stations, including 53 Fox, 47 ABC, 27 NBC, 29 CBS, 20 MNT, 6 CW affiliates and on 26 IND Stations.
TerraCycle <> is truly an amazing company. I thought what they do was really neat the first time that I heard about them. When I saw their bags, totes, and back packs at
Walmart, I thought they were the cutest products! You may have seen them yourself. Have you seen the cute
M&M bags or the
Capri Sun totes and back packs? Those are the workings of TerraCycle <> ! Just check out some of their products below!
Along the way, Szaky (photo below) described how
Terracycle had to negotiate with Pepsi and Coke for the rights to use their bottle shapes. He also talked about bottling, sleeving, and capping thousands of bottles of liquid garden fertilizer by hand before opening a factory in New Jersey; about getting sued by Scott’s, the garden product company, for trade dress infringement; and about how Terracycle and its unique upcycling concept of turning packaging waste into consumer products—bags, kites, pencil cases--is taking off around the world. “We’re establishing ourselves in a new country about every six weeks,” he told his Packaging Summit audience.