A ação incentiva a coleta de embalagens de chocolates no pós-consumo, independente do tamanho e da marca.
Com menos de um ano de operação em solo brasileiro, a americana TerraCycle, especializada na criação de produtos verdes a partir de resíduos de difícil destinação, planeja sua expansão.
A Terracycle tem como objetivo, através das parcerias, coletar embalagens, fabricar produtos com elas, como bolsas, estojos e mochilas e vendê-las ao varejo.
O projeto deu certo e só em 2010 a empresa já recolheu 2 bilhões de embalagens nos oito países de atuação. No Brasil foram 3 milhões.
Imagine, que com sua ajuda, aquela embalagem que você recolheu e enviou para a reciclagem sem nenhum custo deixará de poluir um aterro, irá gerar renda para pessoas carentes e ainda poderá ser readquirida em grandes redes varejistas com uma nova função através de produtos descolados e modernos.
TerraCycle <
http://www.terracycle.net/> is the company that takes what others may consider trash and upcycles it into not only useable but very creative and stylish products. Tom Szaky <
http://www.terracycle.net/> is the founder and CEO of TerraCycle and was named one of the fastest growing private companies by Inc. magazine in 2009. Tom and TerraCycle have started to change the way individuals and companies see waste. Since 2007, over 60,000 locations and 7 million people are helping to collect, instead of discard their trash. Over 1 billion pieces of pre and post consumer packaging have been collected and over 250,000 dollars have been donated to schools and non profits.
Saintly Recyclers mail in their trash. Terracycle.net will recycle (usually postage is free) and donate to charity your candy wrappers, yogurt cups, drink pouches, cookie wrappers, Flavia Freshpacks, Frito-Lay chip bags, energy and granola bar wrappers, Bear Naked wrappers, Kashi packages, cell phones, Huggies and Scott tissue wrappers, Aveno tubes, Scotch tape dispensers, corks, cereal bags, Sharpies and Papermate writing instruments, Neosporin tubes, coffee bags, lunch kits (like Lunchables), Colgate tubes and packaging, Ziploc bags and containers, Inkjet cartridges, and Sprout and Revolutions food containers.
Preserveproducts.com recycles your No. 5 plastics (same company that has the receptacles at Whole Foods) and water filters into toothbrushes and razors.
The items will be recycled by Terra Cycle when goals are reached and the program is aiming at collecting more than 500 items from each category each month.
Following is the list of items which can be dropped off:
Mars or Wrigley brand candy bar wrappers; energy bar wrappers; drink pouches; Nabisco cookie wrappers; Kashi brand wrappers or boxes; toasted chip bags; Bear Naked brand wrappers; wine bottle corks; Aveeno product tubes; Scotch tape dispensers and cores; Frito Lay chip bags; Malt-O-Meal cereal bags or boxes; Elmer's glue; Huggie's brand diaper or pull-up bag packaging; Scott's brand packaging; Neosporin brand packaging; lunchable kits; spread (butter) containers; gum wrappers; cell phones; Colgate brand packaging; yogurt cups; writing instruments; Starbucks coffee bags; plastic bottle lids; and used gift cards
President Bill Clinton got into the topic of trash at the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative recently. It is an important topic. We create tremendous amounts of waste these days, and much of it could be used in a constructive way, rather than polluting our planet.
While some companies are trying to be greener and minimize their waste, other companies have made waste the
source of their business. Using “waste” as a key input to the products they create, these companies are as green as green gets.
TerraCycle is one such company.
President Bill Clinton got into the topic of trash at the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative recently. It is an important topic. We create tremendous amounts of waste these days, and much of it could be used in a constructive way, rather than polluting our planet.
While some companies are trying to be greener and minimize their waste, other companies have made waste the
source of their business. Using “waste” as a key input to the products they create, these companies are as green as green gets.
TerraCycle is one such company.