Posts with term wrigley X

Cub Scouts collecting candy wrappers

Cub Scout Pack 140 and Elizabeth Lane Elementary School are teaming up to raise money for the school with discarded candy wrappers. Mars, Wrigley and Cadbury candy companies have launched TerraCycle, a recycling project that gives schools 2 cents for every wrapper collected. The Cub Scouts and the Elizabeth Lane Green Team ask that students – and community members – bring candy wrappers from M&Ms, Snickers, Starburst, Swedish Fish, Twix and Skittles to the receptacle located in the school’s main lobby, located at 121 Elizabeth Lane in Matthews. The fundraiser will run through Nov. 4.

Give Used Halloween Candy Wrappers A Second Life

In the days leading up to Halloween, American consumers spend nearly $2 billion on candy. By the time the sugar-high wears off, millions of candy wrappers have been needlessly discarded and end up in landfills.  That’s why TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  has partnered with Mars/Wrigley and Cadbury to create a second life for those used candy wrappers. This holiday season, conscious consumers are invited to join the Candy Wrapper Brigade by saving the wrapper every time they enjoy a Mars/Wrigley or Cadbury candy product. Collected wrappers are then sent in to the company where they’ll be upcycled into purses, backpacks, coolers, and other innovative products.

Give Used Halloween Candy Wrappers A Second Life

In the days leading up to Halloween, American consumers spend nearly $2 billion on candy. By the time the sugar-high wears off, millions of candy wrappers have been needlessly discarded and end up in landfills.  That’s why TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  has partnered with Mars/Wrigley and Cadbury to create a second life for those used candy wrappers. This holiday season, conscious consumers are invited to join the Candy Wrapper Brigade by saving the wrapper every time they enjoy a Mars/Wrigley or Cadbury candy product. Collected wrappers are then sent in to the company where they’ll be upcycled into purses, backpacks, coolers, and other innovative products.

Terracycle Review

It’s always great to hear about companies like Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.net/> because they make eco-friendly products and recycling is always a great way to give back. But what makes Terracycle unique is that they take non-recyclable products to make new products that other people would see as garbage. Terracycle is one of the fastest growing eco-friendly companies in the world. This of course is because of good reason!

Terracycle Candy Wrapper Brigade

One of my favorite green companies has to be Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.net/> ! Terracycle  <http://www.terracycle.net/> is a small company that has found an innovative way to take items destined for the landfill and turn them into really cool usable products. Case in point: unrecyclable candy wrappers that are upcycled into various kinds of bags. <http://www.terracycle.net/brigades/3-Candy-Wrapper-Brigade> Each year, millions of candy wrappers are needlessly discarded and end up in landfills. TerraCycle™ <http://www.terracycle.net/products/147-Skittles-Short-Shoulder-Hobo> is proud to partner with Mars®/Wrigley® and Cadbury® to create a second life for used candy wrappers. Every time you enjoy a Mars®/Wrigley® or Cadbury® candy product, you can save the wrapper and send it in to TerraCycle™, <http://www.terracycle.net/products/147-Skittles-Short-Shoulder-Hobo> an eco-friendly innovator, and we will upcycle the pre and post-consumer waste material into cool new products.

TerraCycle is working to make products from Trash: Join the Brigade

My mother called me last night to tell me about an interesting notice on the side of her Wheat Thins box. Apparently Wheat Thins has teamed up with Terracycle to recyle their packages. My mother proceeded to tell me a bit more about it and then sent me a link to read through today. Here’s what I found in their “About Us” page: TerraCycle makes affordable, eco-friendly products from a wide range of different non-recyclable waste materials. With over 50 products available at major retailers like Walmart, Target, The Home Depot, OfficeMax, Petco and Whole Foods Market, TerraCycle is one of the fastest growing eco-friendly manufacturers in the world. Our hope is to eliminate the idea of waste by finding innovative, unique uses for materials others deem garbage. You can be a part of our eco-revolution, just sign up for one of our FREE Brigades or look for TerraCycle products at your local retailer.