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Green Alley wird zum Upcycling-Paradies

Die Einrichtung der Büroräume organisierte der 27-jährige Darshan Alatan, der Teil des TerraCycle Designteams ist: „Die Büroräume von TerraCycle reflektieren unser Firmenkonzept. Dadurch zeigen wir, dass Müll wirklich vielseitig verwendbar ist und dass man für fast alles eine neue Verwendung finden kann: Sogar aus Zahnpastatubenverschlüssen kann ein Lampenschirm und aus Weinkorken eine Trennwand werden.“ TerraCycle organisiert in 23 Ländern weltweit Lösungen für schwer recycelbare Abfälle. Aus Materialien wie Süßigkeitenverpackungen, Stiften oder Zahnbürsten, die sonst in Müllverbrennungsanlagen oder auf Deponien landen würden, stellt das Recycling- und Upcyclingunternehmen neue, umweltfreundliche Produkte her. Hierfür arbeitet es mit mehr als 30 der größten Firmen der Welt zusammen, die das Recycling ihrer Produkte finanzieren. Deshalb findet man im neu eingerichteten Büro von TerraCycle auch einen Lampenschirm aus Kugelschreiberverpackungen des Schreibwarenherstellers BiC und Taschen aus Fabrikabfall der führenden Mundhygienemarke Colgate.

Faith aims to recycle more trash for cash, charity

Can Faith Middle School make it to $1,000 before the end of the school year? May 30, the last day of school, is fast approaching, but Faith’s ecology club and recycling coordinator, Julie Deckard thinks it can be done if people send in their drink pouches. From box tops to toothpaste and even mp3 players, Faith Middle School has been collecting items from the Fort Benning community for the past two years. By doing so, Faith has raised money for its school and for charity. Through recycling, she said, people can help with clean drinking water, meals and schools supplies or the environment by planting trees. Deckard has put in more than 650 hours to sort items and package them to be shipped to Terra Cycle, but it’s always easier with a team of people, she said. For those simply wanting to send in recyclables but think it may be tedious or complicated — it’s not, Deckard said.Simply rinse out containers and put them in plastic bags. You don’t even need to sort them by type.     

What I Learned About the Environment From Elementary School Students

I had the pleasure of speaking with each of the Kindergarten through 6th grade classes throughout the day.  They were amazing!  For only starting to recycle this year, they knew a tremendous amount about the environment.  We talked about why we recycle, what we can recycle and of course I showed them my TerraCycle bags.  Kids (and adults)  just love these!  They were all so fascinated by the fact that trash could be turned into such cool tote bags, lunch bags and more.

Turning Waste into WOW – Tom Szaky of Terracycle Explains How

While most of his peers were at the library, or the bar, college freshmen Tom Szaky was busy launching a business out of his dorm room. For his first product he turned worm-poop into fertilizer as a way to transform waste into something useful. Since then he’s turned that first product into a multi-million dollar business Terracycle, with clients including Walmart and Home Depot. Inspiyr spoke with Tom about the mission of Terracycle, his favorite type of trash, and some advice for budding entrepreneurs or anyone looking to achieve their dreams.

Campus news - 8/14

Clayton Snyder, who graduated in June from Lock Haven University, participated in a study abroad program, spending February to June in South Korea.   Snyder, a senior recreation management major with a concentration in environmental/international studies, had received a $4,000 Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study in South Korea. The son of Bob and Kim Snyder of Lebanon, Snyder is a 2008 graduate of Cedar Crest High School.   In South Korea, he attended Chungnam National University in Daejon, where he studied the Korean language and culture.   The Gilman International Scholarship Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is administered by the Institute of International Education. Recipients are chosen by a competitive selection process.

הטייקון שחי בזבל

טום סזאקי, מייסד ומנכ"ל חברת המיחזור טרה סייקל, מייצג סוג חדש של איש עסקים: יזם חברתי-סביבתי שרוצה להציל את כדור הארץ מבלי להקריב את שורת הרווח. בראיון למוסף "הארץ" מסביר איל הפסולת שהתעשר מהפרשות תולעים מדוע העתיד שלנו נמצא בזבל

WCC and Chip Brigade Make ‘Upcycling’ Easy, Fun

In an effort to make recycling more practical, Recycling Operations Manager Barry Wilkins will be working with TerraCylce, a New Jersey-based waste collection company, to collect used chip bags for its Chip Bag Brigade “upcycling” program. TerraCycle, founded in 2001 by then-Princeton University student Tom Szaky, works with schools and companies to collect previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste materials and helps remake these materials into new items.

TerraCycle: Garbage in Eco-Friendly Products out

TerraCycle, Inc. is an international upcycling and recycling company that takes difficult to recycle packaging and turns it into affordable, eco-friendly products. Founded in 2001, TerraCycle is the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste. TerraCycle works with over 30 major brands in the U.S. (and in a growing number of other countries) to collect used packaging and products (chip bags, candy wrappers, juice pouches, pens, toothbrushes, etc.) that would otherwise be destined for landfills.