Posts with term Kraft X

Terracycle Drink Pouch Lunch Box

Here are just a few quick facts about what 50 Million juice pouches is equal to: TerraCycle makes this lunch box from waste drink pouch material. Every year, billions of drink pouches end up in dumpsters and landfills across America. Working with a brigade of school volunteers, TerraCycle diverts tons of waste juice pouches annually and donates 2 cents to a charity or non-profit for each pouch collected. The color of each lunch box will vary depending on the type of drink pouch used.


Well I have read and heard some pretty awesome things about Terra Cycle so when I had the opportunity to share about them and check out one of their products I got really excited!! TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  makes affordable, eco-friendly products from a wide  range of different non-recyclable waste materials. With over 50 products  available at major retailers like Walmart, Target, The Home Depot,  OfficeMax, Petco and Whole Foods Market, TerraCycle is one of the  fastest growing eco-friendly manufacturers in the world. Our hope is to  eliminate the idea of waste by finding innovative, unique uses for  materials others deem garbage.

Giveaway: Terracycle pencil pouch and lunch box

We here the words 'reduce, reuse, recycle' a lot  when it comes to cleaning our our environment and cutting down on waste in our landfills but have you thought much about the word 'upcycle'? To ucpcycle an item would be to use the product again in a totally different way than it was originally used.  Terracycle  <http://www.terracycle.net/> has found a ton of ways to take our trash and recyclables and make them into something new. The great thing about this company is that YOU can get involved, too!  Here is a little bit about Terracycle from their website:


Imagine, que com sua ajuda, aquela embalagem que você recolheu e enviou para a reciclagem sem nenhum custo deixará de poluir um aterro, irá gerar renda para pessoas carentes e ainda poderá ser readquirida em grandes redes varejistas com uma nova função através de produtos descolados e modernos.

TerraCycle Giveaway

TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  is the company that takes what others may consider trash and upcycles it into not only useable but very creative and stylish products. Tom Szaky  <http://www.terracycle.net/> is the founder and CEO of TerraCycle and was named one of the fastest growing private companies by Inc. magazine in 2009. Tom and TerraCycle have started to change the way individuals and companies see waste. Since 2007, over 60,000 locations and 7 million people are helping to collect, instead of discard their trash. Over 1 billion pieces of pre and post consumer packaging have been collected and over 250,000 dollars have been donated to schools and non profits.

Classroom Rap

The Sandy Valley High School Science Club is embarking on a recycling project called the "TerraCycle Recycling Brigade." The science club will collect used and empty Carpri-Sun pouches, Elmers Glue containers (both sticks and bottles), Plastic Baggies (like Ziploc), Cookie Wrappers (like Nabisco, Grandma's and Oreo's) and old cell phones. All items donated will be counted and turned into the TerraCycle company, who will in turn pay the school for every item sent in. This helps divert trash from the landfill and earns for a SV Science Club Scholarship and field-trips.