The school works with an East Coast company whose goal is to eliminate waste by not only recycling but upcycling, the process of re-using items close to their original purpose.
Students and staff of a Burr Ridge school are stepping up their efforts to be green by focusing on difficult-to-recycle products that, until now, ended up in the school's garbage cans.
Trinity Lutheran School sends drink pouches, potato chip bags and cookie wrappers to TerraCycle in New Jersey, which recycles trash typically not recycled. The company has about 45 brigades worldwide of individuals and groups such as Trinity that collect and send garbage.
There’s an old Yorkshire expression that says, “Where there’s muck, there’s brass.” Translated into 21st-century American, it means there’s money in garbage. Read how a young Canadian immigrant is making millions from “muck” and saving the environment at the same time.
Aproveitando a popularidade irreversível das redes sociais, Tang, da Kraft Foods Brasil, acaba de repaginar seu site seguindo um formato mais interativo e social. Como o público-alvo de Tang gosta de reunir os amigos em um único canal, o Esquadrão Verde Tang ( passa a ter sua própria rede social, cuja plataforma é o engajamento em torno de uma única causa: cuidar do planeta.
Where other people see trash, Tom Szaky sees raw materials. An empty yogurt cup is a plant pot for a nursery. A juice pouch is fabric for a backpack. Disposable plastic cups? Park benches, naturally.
The collected box tops and Capri Sun pouches -- which will be sent to a program called TerraCycle -- translate into more than $130, which will be matched with Durham Arts Council grant funding to bring in artists to speak to and perform for the students.
Um ano depois do início de seu programa de reciclagem, a marca de sucos e refrescos Tang, da Kraft Foods, conseguiu recolher mais de 1 milhão de embalagens de refresco em pó recolhidas pelas Brigadas Tang de Reciclagem, formadas por 1.870 grupos de coletas espalhados pelo País. O projeto criado em parceria com a empresa TerraCycle, especializada em reaproveitamento de resíduos, chegou a 1,0451 milhão de embalagens recolhidas. No primeiro ano, o material reaproveitado deu origem a uma série de quase 50 produtos, como bolas, bolsas, mochilas e estojos.
Big Rock Elementary has been participating in a program that utilizes many of the items that aren't typically recycled. TerraCycle, a New Jersey company, pays for the items collected and turns them into a variety of other products.