Posts with term Garnier X

Garnier Encourage Recycling Activism and Green Behavior

Did you know that beauty waste (all those pretty personal care and beauty packaging on your makeup table) account for one third of all landfill waste? Wow, we had no idea. In an effort to curb that, Garnier, along with The Trust for Public Land, the City of Newark’s Office of Sustainability, and its Department of Neighborhood Services, recently announced the installation of 54 community recycling containers at three local Newark parks.

Itens reciclados e novinhos

O que fazer com os nossos frascos de perfume, embalagens de maquiagem e potes de cremes, descartados após o uso? Difíceis de reciclar, os resíduos de plástico e de vidro geralmente têm como destino os lixeiros suburbanos. Para combater o acúmulo de lixo, a empresa TerraCycle, criada pelo americano Tom Szaky, propõe uma solução: transformar materiais coletados por colaboradores em produtos criativos.

Students Change Behaviors, One Candy Wrapper at a Time

Building awareness about environmental concerns is one thing. Getting people to actually change their behaviors and become better stewards of the environment themselves is quite another, and much more difficult to accomplish as University of Illinois students in Ming Kuo's Environmental Psychology class learned. They worked in groups to evaluate programs that promote environmental sustainability and make recommendations for how the programs could improve their effectiveness. According to Kuo, the student groups were paired with actual clients, making the project not just an assignment for a grade, but a real-world problem to solve.

Highland Christian School Partners with TerraCycle

PTO is excited to announce that our school is going GREEN! We teamed up with a program called TERRACYCLE.  We are going to be collecting a number of items to recycle and earn CASH.  Each classroom will have a bin to place collected items, which may be brought from home or just saved from lunch/snacks at school.  Please consider getting involved as we strive to make God’s creation a beautiful masterpiece one community at a time.  Below is a list of all items we are going to collect.  PTO will keep everyone informed throw here as to our progress throughout the year.

United Way Volunteers Recognized

Under the leadership of volunteer Sarah Martin, and University of Maine at Farmington intern Joe Dignam, TerraCycle was launched. In this program various products -- from shampoo bottles to foil-lined granola bar wrappers -- are sent to TerraCycle headquarters in New Jersey where they are recycled into other products or up-cycled into functional art such as juice box tote bags. TerraCycle pays money for the products that are shipped to them so the environment and United Way benefits.

How To: Recycle Beauty Products

It takes a lot of work to look our best, and especially a lot of products: Conditioner, bronzer, mascara and moisturizer, among others.  With class presentations, sorority functions, date nights, formals and girls-night-outs, these products create a ton of waste over time. It’s easy to toss used beauty supplies in the trash, but what makes us look good for one night will spend years in a landfill! Here’s how to look great and help the environment by recycling your waste with TerraCycle: