Tennyson Elementary School is feeling green.
Through the TerraCycle program, students and faculty at Tennyson have been cutting down waste by focusing on recycling
Theresa Underhill and Alyssa Bruner are Green Team leaders for the project.
Three fifth grade students also make up the Green Team — Lyla Schmitt, Warren Koss and Josh Grosvenor.
Tucson isn’t able to recycle the Capri Suns that Tri Delta will be using as beverages; however, TerraCycle.net will pay for the shipping of the Capri Suns so they can be recycled. For every unit recycled, Tri Delta will receive one to two cents that it can donate to its charity, St. Jude’s, explained Nicholas Rossi, project coordinator for Students for Sustainability.
For nearly a decade, KMB has been hosting the annual Environmental Stewardship Awards as a way to recognize and celebrate the notable efforts within Martin County to promote environmental stewardship through education and action.
But it was one group, in particular, that really stole the show. The crowd rose quickly in a standing ovation, complete with thundering applause, whistle blowing and napkin swinging as
Bessey Creek Elementary School’s Team Green Recycle Buddies was announced as the winner in the youth and school category.
LEWISBURG -- Girl Scout Troop 60017 holds a check for $300, earned by spending 15 hours working on the project The Juice Pouch Brigade. The girls collected, emptied, counted, made posters, and shipped juice pouches to Terracycle. The troop choose to donate the amount they earned to Kelly Elementary School. This is an ongoing project that the girls will continue to work on. Donations of juice pouches are welcome. Every empty juice pouch is worth 2 cents. The girls did this project to earn their Bronze Award.
Recycling has been one of the biggest movements in response to pollution, and dealing with the huge amounts of waste produced by today’s society. Of the biggest problems with recycling is that there are a lot of plastics, and other products that aren’t recyclable yet. A lot of progress has happened recently in recycling abilities, but there are many products and luxuries that we use today that come in packaging that isn’t easily recycled. This is where the company Terracycle comes in. Terracycle is a company that collects hard to recycle wastes and either recycles the materials, or upcylces them for new purposes.
McLoughlin Elementary is starting a recycling program through a company called TerraCycle. With this program McLoughlin students can opt to recycle several different types of household materials with a goal of keeping these items out of the landfill and to raise money for the school.
Do you know about
TerraCycle? This company runs recycling collection programs for previously on-recyclable items, such as drink pouches, diaper packaging, candy and energy bar wrappers, dairy tubs, and household cleaner packaging. They recently added the ability to recycle
cigarette waste. Much of the collected items are upcycled into new products that are sold on their
website or through retailers they’ve partnered with, such as Target. Some is turned into pellets or other forms that then are converted into building materials.
Recycling programs are organized into ‘Brigades’ by waste type. Some materials collections are done with partners such as Bear Naked and Athenos. Sign up for a Brigade online, create your own collection box, and start gathering your recyclables. Collection boxes at a place of work or at a school will help to collect items faster. Terracycle suggests creating a collection box that clearly indicates what you are looking for and placing the collection box in a well-trafficked location. Items don’t have to be cleaned or neatly stacked/packaged prior to donation, making the process simpler. Use odor-blocking plastic bags in your collection box to contain smells and liquid drips. Terracycle provides a collection and mailing
guide on their website.
Colvin Run Elementary School on Feb. 4 launched a new food-donation program.
During lunch periods, students will collect unopened food – including milk, yogurt, chips, and fruit – and place them into specially marked coolers and bins. The food, which previously would have been thrown away, will be delivered twice weekly to Reston Interfaith
As many of you have heard, E-Club has set-up new recycling centers in the cafeteria in an attempt to help our school become a waste free environment. Many of the materials that students and faculty can recycle are the same, but these stations make everything more centralized.
Hard plastics, such as utensils and yogurt containers, can be recycled, as well as cans and glass. The recycling centers also have appropriate bins for granola bar wrappers, candy wrappers, juice pouches, chip bags, and Ziploc bags.
Abfall ist nicht gleich Abfall. Er kann vielmehr für die Herstellung weiterer Produkte verwendet werden und dabei einen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz leisten. Wie, das zeigt der gebürtige Ungar Tom Szaky mit seiner Firma TerraCycle.
Obwohl sich das Geschäftsmodell als etwas ungewöhnlich herausstellt, konnte das Unternehmen im letzten Jahr etwa elf Millionen Euro einnehmen. Teilnehmen kann jedermann, das Konzept basiert dabei auf Geben und Nehmen: Privathaushalte, Schulen oder Vereine können sich bei TerraCycle für ein Sammelprogramm registrieren. Jede der einzelnen Gruppen konzentriert sich bei ihrer Sammlung auf eine „Abfallsorte“, wie Stifte, Chipstüten oder Trinkpäckchen. Die Sammler können ihren Müll nun kostenlos an TerraCycle schicken. Für jedes Müllstück bekommen sie ein paar Cent gutgeschrieben, die anschließend für einen wohltätigen Zweck gespendet werden.
Das Unternehmen stößt auf großen Zuspruch: Etwa 85 Prozent des durch ehrenamtliche Helfer zusammengetragenen Abfalls in mittlerweile 20 Ländern können dadurch wiederverwertet werden. So entstehen beim Recyceln aus Stiften Gießkannen oder Mülltonnen. Noch erfolgversprechender gestaltet sich das Upcycling: Das Ausgangsmaterial wird hierbei nicht zerlegt, sondern es wird ein völlig neues und höherwertiges Produkt entwickelt, wie beispielsweise eine Tasche aus Trinkpäckchen oder ein Drache aus Chipstüten. Noch sind die etwa 1.500 in Amerika erhältlichen Artikel nicht bei uns verfügbar, doch sollen sie in Deutschland bald online bestellt werden können.
Auch weltweit führende Unternehmen, wie Kraft Foods oder der Kosmetikhersteller L´Oréal, haben die Ökofirma mittlerweile zur Aufwertung ihres Image entdeckt. Sie zahlen für die Verschiffung, die Spende, die Verarbeitung und Abwicklung des Produktionsvorgangs bei TerraCycle. Im Gegenzug drucken die Firmen das Logo von TerraCycle auf ihre Verpackungen. In Deutschland bestehen zurzeit neben einer Kooperation mit dem Schreibwarenhersteller BIC zwei weitere Programme: Abgesehen von Stiften sammelt TerraCycle Trinkpacks in Kooperation mit Capri-Sonne Bio-Schorly und bietet ein Programm für das Recycling von Druckerpatronen und Tonern an. Weitere Programme sollen hinzukommen. In den USA verschicken derzeit fast 27 Millionen Bürgerinnen und Bürger aus 43 verschiedenen Sammelprogrammen ihren Müll, wodurch 43 Millionen Euro für einen wohltätigen Zweck gespendet wurden.