I recently learned about this program run by a company called TerraCycle. They partner with a number of companies, including Bear Naked, Clif Bar & Company brands (including Shot Bloks and Clif Shot) and Tom’s of Maine; and offer programs for everyday refuse items like snack bags (potato chip bags, for example, which I remember learning in grad school have something like 17 layers) and even cigarette butts.
Thanks to Chatham Park’s very large first shipment of drink pouches they collected for Trash to Ca$h, we received points from TerraCycle as well as earned multiple entries into the Drink Pouch Brigade Giveaway Contest….and are excited to announce that WE WON
Jefferson Lighthouse Elementary students are cleaning up the environment and earning money for their school. By collecting Capri Sun drink pouches, Jefferson Lighthouse Elementary School students can win playgrounds, park benches and recycling bins for their school or community. Capri Sun is increasing the prizes and benefits of recycling through the Drink Pouch Brigade, the free recycling program operated by eco-pioneer TerraCycle, in order to mark the milestone of almost 200 million drink pouches collected and almost $4 million given to charity since the start of the program
How many of you have heard of
Terracycle? This is a really neat company that ... recycles! This is not your normal recycling though, they make some really neat products out of previously used products! And they would make GREAT gifts! I received the neatest iPad case, a change purse and a tote bag.
A változás lehetséges, csak el kezdeni. Miért ne lennél te úttörő a barátaid között? Mutass példát és védd a természetet, tedd élhetőbbé a környezetedet, légy környezettudatosabb: első lépésként gyűjtsd szelektíven a hulladékodat.
We are already headed there for grocery shopping so it is not out of the way. Well, what if you could get your items recycled into products that can be used? That is what TerraCycle does.
First grade teacher, Karri Stephenson, initiated the drive after finding the contest online earlier in September. If JLE students collect 200,000 aluminum foil juice pouches before August 2014, the school can win a new playground made of recycled materials from TerraCycle
I was inspired to look into TerraCycle's program for my organizations goals when I learned about Capri Sun's partnership with them. If you're not familiar with TerraCycle, they take products that can be hard to recycle and make them into green products that are affordable.
New Jersey-based TerraCycle's mission is to “eliminate the idea of waste” and it's been a profitable enterprise. The company expects about $20 million in revenue this year, according to founder Tom Szaky.
New Jersey-based TerraCycle, which collects non-recyclable, or difficult-to-recycle, waste, has partnered with major corporation Mondelez International, which owns Cadbury, to launch a recycling waste campaign on the Asian market.