Tom Szaky, the Hungarian-born CEO and founder of TerraCycle, dreams of chewing gum, cigarette butts and ocean plastic. His Trenton, New Jersey-based company aims to accelerate the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, a breakthrough in materials science, energy storage and other technologies, by cleaning up after heaps of waste and inventing inputs for items spurned by ordinary recyclers.
Now more than ever, it’s important that we reduce our ecological footprint to create a greener world for the future. Scouts Canada has always encouraged members to do their part to create a cleaner environment, whether it be through litter cleanups or leave-no-trace initiatives that encourage people to leave the surrounding environment the way they found it. Recycling is one of the easiest ways to be green, and there are so many things you can recycle!
The school won the playground valued at about $50,000 in an oral care products recycling contest sponsored by TerraCycle, Colgate and ShopRite.
St. Katharine Drexel Catholic School in the Holland section of Northampton unveiled its new playground made of recycled oral care products during a recent ribbon-cutting ceremony at the school.
O programa nacional de reciclagem de cápsulas de café L’OR é uma iniciativa em parceria com a TerraCycle, empresa líder global em soluções para resíduos de difícil reciclabilidade.
La start-up Cy-Clop a installé quatre cendriers design dans la ville. Leurs contenus seront recyclés et transformés en plastique pour en faire des tables ou panneaux d’affichage.
Et si fumer devenait écolo ? Certes l’affirmation est une provocation mais c’est pourtant le tour de force qu’a réussi à réaliser une start-up, Cy-Clope, à travers son invention : le Cy-Clopeur. Il s’agit d’un cendrier géant chargé de collecter les mégots. Ceux-ci sont ensuite récupérés par l’entreprise pour être transformés en plaque de plastique. Si certaines entreprises et gares parisiennes bénéficient de ce dispositif Neuilly-Plaisance est la première ville d’Ile-de-France à s’en doter.
Para participar do programa o consumidor deve se inscrever no site da TerraCycle e imprimir uma etiqueta de despacho pré-paga. Importante ressaltar que a coleta mínima é de 20 cápsulas (140 gramas) de café L’OR Espresso.