São Paulo, 27 de fevereiro de 2019 – O Programa Nacional de Reciclagem de Cápsulas de Café, o Reciclo, de L’OR e Pilão Cápsulas de Alumínio, conquistou, na última quinta-feira (21), o Prêmio Eco Brasil. Lançado há dois anos, o projeto é uma parceria entre a JDE Brasil, detentora das marcas, e a TerraCycle, empresa especializada em soluções para resíduos sólidos.
Plastic is a versatile material which covers a multitude of products – sometimes quite literally - from plastic bottles to pots and polythene packaging, it can be difficult to know what can be recycled, and where.
A praticidade no preparo do café em cápsula conquistou de vez os brasileiros.
Now that school’s back, students can start earning donations for their school by collecting waste otherwise destined for landfill – including the teacher’s coffee capsules. A new company has offered a way to convert traditionally non-recyclable waste – such as coffee capsules, cigarette butts and food wrappers – into garden beds and playgrounds.