It’s not unusual for different areas of a company to embrace sustainability at different levels. The key, says Procter & Gamble’s Virginie Helias, is to understand the reasons why and the challenges of bringing everyone up to the same standard of commitment and engagement.
P&G partnered with TerraCycle to create the Fairy Ocean Plastic bottle, which is made from 90 percent post-consumer recycled plastic and 10 percent ocean plastic.
Now more than ever, it’s important that we reduce our ecological footprint to create a greener world for the future. Scouts Canada has always encouraged members to do their part to create a cleaner environment, whether it be through litter cleanups or leave-no-trace initiatives that encourage people to leave the surrounding environment the way they found it. Recycling is one of the easiest ways to be green, and there are so many things you can recycle!
La société Bic souhaite créer sa propre filière de recyclage de plastique. Elle vient de lancer une gamme de mobilier urbain conçus à partir de stylos usagés. Un exemple innovant d’économie circulaire et une nouvelle occasion de verdir les appels d'offres.
Depuis trois ans, la collecte de certains déchets a le vent en poupe à l’école primaire. Et, au final, c’est aussi un petit plus pour la pratique des activités sportives.
One of my biggest lessons from
The Wellness Project was that you can’t make healthier choices until you know what c I’d also say that a very necessary pre-curser to this is knowing your baseline. Where your habits currently stand. Not what you think you’re doing, but what you’re
actually doing.