How to recycle beauty products – the handy bookmark and keep guide

Happy Global Recycling Day. First introduced back in 2018, today is all about educating people on the importance of recycling for preserving our planet.
‘Beauty product packaging is often composed of a variety of types of material,’ explains Stephen Clarke, Head of Communications at TerraCycle Europe. ‘For example — mirrored glass, cardboard sleeves, paper inserts, expanded plastic foam and more have been known to be used in cosmetics packaging– sometimes all in one item.’ This makes recycling them incredibly difficult. However, TerraCycle has partnered with Garnier to create a free recycling programme for beauty packaging, and these can be taken to one of their allocated drop-off locations. Find your nearest one here.

Burger King restaurants in NJ charging deposit for containers you return Read More: Burger King restaurants in NJ offer reusable containers | https://nj1015.com/burger-king-restaurants-in-nj-charging-deposit-for-containers-you-return/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

TRENTON - Five North Jersey Burger King restaurants have teamed up with the global reuse platform, Loop, to limit the amount of packaging waste generated each year across the nation.

The Loop Return Point at the Burger King in Clark  (Photo Credit: Dan Zarrow)

The Loop Return Point at the Burger King in Clark (Photo Credit: Dan Zarrow)

What area Burger King locations are participating in the program?

Bayonne, 1088 Broadway

Clark, 118 Central Avenue

East Brunswick, 1022 Route 18

Harrison, 751 Harrison Ave.

Maplewood, 1833 Springfield Ave.

The Loop Return Point outside the Burger King in Clark (Photo Credit: Dan Zarrow)

The Loop Return Point outside the Burger King in Clark (Photo Credit: Dan Zarrow)

How does it work?

It's easy! Customers at these five New Jersey locations can purchase menu items such as sandwiches, soft drinks, and coffee and have them served in durable, reusable packaging. When finished, customers return the reusable container to the Loop Return Point at the Burger King to be cleaned and reused.

The Loop Return Point outside the Burger King in Clark (Photo Credit: Dan Zarrow)

The Loop Return Point outside the Burger King in Clark (Photo Credit: Dan Zarrow)

Customers will be charged a small deposit upon purchase. But the refund is given after the package is returned.


Read More: Burger King restaurants in NJ offer reusable containers | https://nj1015.com/burger-king-restaurants-in-nj-charging-deposit-for-containers-you-return/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral


COVID-19 medical waste is putting a strain on removal systems. Here are the companies trying to solve the problem.

Mar 17, 2022, 10:03 AM
Masks can contaminate other recyclables and clog up or damage machines. Getty Images
  • Disposing of COVID-19 medical waste puts an increasing strain on our waste and recycling systems.
  • One problem arises when people try to recycle masks, which cannot be recycled traditionally.
  • Private companies like Plaxtil have begun to offer recycling solutions that reuse the mask material.
Disposable masks, cloth face coverings, used gloves, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) are some of the extra waste that people have been generating over the past two years as they've tried to protect themselves during the pandemic. The World Health Organization released a report in February stating that the influx — tens of thousands of tons — of COVID-19 medical waste is putting a strain on healthcare waste systems, which could pose both environmental and health risks. It's also affecting traditional waste management and recycling systems.
"As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, waste and recycling haulers experienced a clear increase in the amount of waste being collected due to marked increase of takeout orders and the explosion in single-use PPE," Sue Kauffman, North American public relations director at recycling company TerraCycle, told Insider.Most of these items end up in landfills, she said, but many "well-intentioned but misinformed" people throw PPE waste — which can't be recycled through traditional means — into their curbside recycling bins with the hope that it'll get recycled.
Sue Kauffman. Courtesy of Sue Kauffman
"As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, waste and recycling haulers experienced a clear increase in the amount of waste being collected due to marked increase of takeout orders and the explosion in single-use PPE," Sue Kauffman, North American public relations director at recycling company TerraCycle, told Insider.Most of these items end up in landfills, she said, but many "well-intentioned but misinformed" people throw PPE waste — which can't be recycled through traditional means — into their curbside recycling bins with the hope that it'll get recycled. "This is a counter-productive practice known as 'wishcycling,' and it leads to clogs in machinery, which translate to losses in time and otherwise recyclable material," Kauffman added. Several companies like TerraCycle are offering solutions for recycling PPE, and Kauffman said the demand for these services has soared over the past two years.

The problem of PPE ending up in traditional recycling bins

Pete Keller, vice president of recycling and sustainability at Republic Services, a business and residential waste disposal and recycling company that works in 47 states, said more cloth and disposable masks, gloves, and at-home COVID-19 test kits are ending up in trash and recycling streams these days, though he doesn't have data on exactly how much. "We went from seeing almost none of that type of material to seeing it show up in some of our recycling streams," he said. "When you think about what's in the garbage can, we don't sort through that. But clearly, there's an increase in that type of material." Overall residential waste generation is about 3% to 4% higher than pre-pandemic levels, with commercial waste close to pre-2020 rates, Keller said. Residential trash had increased by about 25% and commercial had decreased by 35% in the early days of the pandemic. Republic Services doesn't recycle masks, gloves, or COVID-19 tests, but Keller said any cardboard packaging that comes with these items is likely recyclable. PPE can contaminate other recyclables, he added. Recycling machinery is calibrated to process specific items like glass, paper, cardboard, and plastics and isn't equipped to handle interloping items, like masks. Kauffman said these contaminants — like other non-recyclable items that inadvertently end up in recycling bins — can clog up or damage machines, which can be costly for municipalities' recycling programs. There's also a fear that PPE that's been exposed to COVID-19 could infect frontline waste management workers who may not be properly protected to handle hazardous waste, Kauffman added.

Some companies are offering solutions to PPE waste

Even though mask mandates are being lifted across the country, they're still required in some situations, like flying or using public transportation, and people still choose to wear them in other situations. So PPE waste will continue to increase. Several private companies are offering solutions for recycling these items. French company Plaxtil recycles masks and other fabrics by transforming them into a plastic-like material that can be molded into many different objects. British firm ReFactory launched Reclaim the Mask, a program that recycles disposable masks, gloves, and visors into plastic boards. TerraCycle's EasyPak recycling systems, which range in price from $128 to $293, are designed for property and facility managers for getting rid of disposable masks, disposable gloves, and safety equipment. The company's PPE Zero Waste Boxes, starting at $88, are available for individuals, institutions, or businesses to recycle masks, gloves, disinfectant wipes, and other items. Kauffman said users fill the box with the waste and ship it back to TerraCycle using a prepaid label, and the items are separated by material type and processed. There was a 145% increase in sales of Zero Waste Boxes that solve for PPE year-over-year from 2019 to the start of the pandemic in 2020 in Canada.
A TerraCycle worker packs a bale of PPE. Courtesy of TerraCycle"The resulting recycled material is used by third parties to manufacture a variety of new products," Kauffman said. These products include outdoor furniture and decking, plastic shipping pallets, storage containers, tubes for construction applications, and more.
The resulting material made from PPE. Courtesy of TerraCycle
Research published in Science of the Total Environment in 2021 suggested that single-use masks can be repurposed into pavement bases and sub-bases, as mask materials can improve ductility, flexibility, and strength. "Not recycling and allowing otherwise usable materials to become waste is just that — a waste," Kauffman said. "By recycling otherwise non-recyclable material, we're able to capture and reuse material destined for landfills, recycle it into a form suitable for manufacturers, and eliminate the need to extract new raw material."

Reading woman saves 5 million pieces of waste from landfill

A woman from Reading has saved five million pieces of waste from landfill and incineration. Ali Chaney, from Three Miles Cross, has collected Marigold gloves, sweet wrappers and beauty products over nine years which can’t be recycled by the council.
She sends to TerraCycle to be processed and turned into picnic tables, outdoor furniture, and lumber for use in construction.

Gillette, L'Oréal, Signal et Terracycle installent chez Monoprix des kiosques pour recycler les produits de beauté [exclusif]

Terracycle avec le concours des marques Gillette (Procter & Gamble), Signal (Unilever) et du groupe L'Oréal installent des bornes pour collecter et recycler les emballages des produits de beauté dans les 140 magasins Monoprix.

En 2018 et 2019, Terrracycle, avec le concours du groupe Procter & Gamble, avait mené des campagnes pour collecter et recycler les emballages de produits de beauté chez Monoprix. En 2022, l'opération prend de l'ampleur.

Larga vida a la escritura: reciclado de bolígrafos y más

Dentro del marco del Plan municipal de Economía Circular se inserta el nuevo programa de recogida y reciclaje de material de escritura, iniciativa en la que Rivamadrid y el Ayuntamiento han involucrado a los centros escolares de la ciudad. Así, se ha firmado un convenio de colaboración con las compañías BIC y Terracycle para impulsar el reciclaje de este material, evitando que termine en el vertedero y avanzando hacia el objetivo de ‘residuo cero’.


In honour of World Recycling Day 2022, BRITA has shared 5 recycling tips to help people on the way to reducing landfill waste. [...]

4. Snack responsibly

You can drop your Pringles tubes at over 330 Bring Banks across the UK, and your KP popcorn, crisps, nuts and pretzels can be collected by TerraCycle at selected locations, and are then made into watering cans, storage boxes or even outdoor furniture.

Tuffalun. Une collecte au profit de l’école Notre-Dame

Marielle, habitante de Tuffalun, organise une collecte de brosses à dents et d’emballages cosmétiques, au profit de l’Association des parents d’élèves de l’école Notre-Dame de Tuffalun.   Marielle, habitante de Tuffalun, organise une collecte de brosses à dents et d’emballages cosmétiques, au profit de l’Association des parents d’élèves de l’école Notre-Dame de Tuffalun. Les déchets, non acceptés par les filières traditionnelles de tri, sont recyclés par TerraCycle.