Campaigning mum transforms old crisp packets into £12,000 for stillbirth charity

A Co Londonderry woman has raised £12,000 for a stillbirth awareness charity by collecting rubbish that would have normally gone to landfill. Her group takes material not readily recycled, such as crisp and sweet packets, biscuit wrappers, bread bags and disposable gloves, and turns it into cash. Ms Seviour-Crockett signed up with Terracycle, a recycling company that processes hard-to-handle materials.

10 Ways To Reduce Your Single-Use Plastic Consumption

Plastic is simultaneously saving and smothering us. Here’s how the trail running community can help.

MARCH 8, 2022
From the highest mountains to the deepest parts of the ocean, plastic has infiltrated every ecosystem on the planet, including our own trail running bodies. Research shows that humans come into contact with micro-sized plastic particles on a daily basis from ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact. In some cases, people are consuming up to five grams of plastics (the weight of a nickel) per week depending on lifestyles and habits. A study in Italy also detected plastic particles in placental tissue. The sources of plastic that are making their way out of human hands into the wider world include single-use plastics, which by definition are articles of plastic designed for one use before being discarded. Goods that are typically made from single-use plastics include packaging and food or service related products such as straws, wrappers, and bags.

What’s the problem with plastic?

As a material with limited biodegradability, unless it is intercepted from waterways by devices such as Mr. Trash Wheel in Maryland, plastic simply breaks down into consecutively smaller and smaller pieces. There have been discoveries of certain bacteria that digest plastic, but the scale and complexity of the problem remains: Plastic is everywhere and quietly accumulating. While the core components of plastic are biochemically inert, the larger risk is that chemical additives are released into the environment. As revealed in a 2020 study, these additions may pose serious risks to human health, such as chronic inflammation and endocrine system disruption. Additionally, plastic pieces can also carry pathogens on their surfaces. The study of plastics as related to public health is a rapidly developing field of research with urgent questions that need answers. Out in the wild, abandoned plastic packaging, such as the aluminized PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) film that most energy gel packets are made of, slowly breaks down into small pieces known as microplastics. Aside from gel packets, microplastics come from a variety of sources, including shoe soles. A study in Germany found that the seventh highest source of microplastics in the environment was from the abrasion of shoe soles. Left to disintegrate even further, microplastics form nano-sized plastics, usually too small to be seen with the human eye. These tiny particles are the most insidious and make their way into our soils and waterways, where they are ingested by a range of organisms and begin their journey up the food chain towards apex predators and humans. An additional complication is the release of greenhouse gasses from plastic production. 98% of single-use plastic is made from fossil fuels. Research shows that in the United States, “the plastics industry is responsible for at least 232 million tons of CO2e gas emissions per year.” 116 average-sized coal-fired power plants release the same amount of CO2 in one year. Not only is plastic a pernicious force behind the scenes, but it is also indirectly contributing to climate change. RELATED: Your Guide To Sustainable Gear Usage Recently, the Minderoo Foundation, an Australian non-governmental organization, published a report that traced plastic production to a few major oil-producing companies, the three largest being ExxonMobil, Dow, and Sinopec. With no “producer pays” principle in action, the true economic and environmental costs of plastic production are still unknown. Just as runners often ask questions about the ethical and environmental footprint of running shoe production, Minderoo recommends that consumers start asking for less investment in virgin plastic production and instead demand that more plastic stays in circulation, and that all industries utilize higher amounts of recycled plastic content in their production lines. As the level of global plastic production booms, so does the amount of plastic disposal. According to figures from the United Nations, “7 billion of the 9.2 billion tonnes of plastic produced from 1950-2017 became waste, ending up in landfills or being dumped.” In the US, data published by the Environmental Protection Agency shows that in 2018 out of 35.7 million tons of plastic that was produced, 27 million tons went to landfill and 3 million tons were recycled. Sure, landfills are one solution for locking away waste, but they are not limitless. The problem is being addressed at higher governmental levels. Two bills have been introduced to Congress to address plastic pollution and recycling. On a global scale, there has been a call to create a circular economy for plastics, initiated by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the UN Environment Programme. The fifth meeting of the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, created an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee that will begin drafting a globally binding agreement to end plastic pollution. With 175 countries attending, the signs of addressing plastic production and reduction around the world are promising.

Reducing Single-Use On An Industry Level

Seeing plastic as a resource, not a waste, could affect real change, just as trail runners might see a steep hill as a training opportunity rather than an obstacle. So far, a number of companies who produce many everyday products (L’Oreal, Nestlé, PepsiCo,The Coca-Cola Company, and Unilever, for example) have started to make some encouraging changes to the composition of their packaging. Industrial changes like that can kickstart a global movement toward less single-use plastic. Reducing our dependence on neatly packaged products is part of the solution, but it’s often easier said than done. One remedy is to recycle with programs like Terracycle’s Performance Nutrition Recycling program, in which athletes can mail in packaging from products such as energy chews and gels, hydration, recovery, and energy drink mix stick packs and packets. After collecting packaging, runners need to clean, wash, and dry the empty packets before boxing up their waste in any reused cardboard shipping box, downloading a free shipping label, and sending it to TerraCycle for processing. After the waste is processed and recycled into raw material, it is then sold to manufacturing companies who produce the final product and complete the journey of recycling. Products may include outdoor furniture and decking, plastic shipping pallets, watering cans, storage containers and bins, tubes for construction applications, flooring tiles, playground surface covers and athletic fields, and more. The carbon footprint of the recycling process is certainly not zero, but it does provide a starting point for giving plastic a longer life, as opposed to it going straight into the trash. RELATED: 5 Ways To Reduce Your Impact On The Trail The work of the One Step Closer Packaging Collaborative is taking a different approach. They seek to reduce the amount of single-use plastic packaging created in the first place, rather than recycling what already exists. One Step Closer aims to meet standards for food safety while lowering the footprint of new packaging by creating compostable options. The challenge presented here is that facilities capable of composting that type of packaging are less common than conventional composting facilities. Large-scale composting also releases methane gas, a highly potent greenhouse gas. Some running events are testing single-use plastic alternatives, such as the adoption of seaweed pouches to distribute drinks at aid stations at the 2019 London Marathon. Notpla creates biodegradable, lightweight packaging from seaweed that can be composted, disposed of with food waste or even, in some cases, eaten. At the shoe level, Adidas have partnered with Parley for the Oceans to produce a number of products, including trail shoes that are in part composed of yarn made from plastic waste collected from the ocean. Allbirds have launched a trail running shoe with numerous plastic-free components and more renewable materials including a natural rubber outsole and an insole constructed from castor bean oil. To address the issue of micro-sized, polluting materials reaching the ground from the tread of shoes. Solum has engineered a solution that deposits nutrients into the soil directly from the shoe’s outsole. While still in the early stages of development, it is a promising sign of innovation addressing the predicament.

Reducing Single-Use At Home

As Katherine Martinko writes, “We need to totally rethink how we buy our food and carry it around.” Readers of Born to Run might recall the infamous, homemade Pinole snack that fuelled the Tarahumara trail runners, indigenous to the Copper Canyon in Mexico. Making your own fuel for trail adventures is a great option to cut back on plastic packaging but something that does require time, energy, and resources, which are all factors to consider. To avoid plastic, beeswax wraps are an option for enveloping food. Silicone packaging is also an available alternative, but whether it is actually non-plastic is highly debated due to its composition. Pure maple syrup, when purchased in a glass bottle, is one plastic-free fueling option worth exploring, as discussed by South Dakota-based runner and coach Kyle Kranz. Nancy Clark has a recipe for a maple syrup sports drink in her Sports Nutrition Guidebook. UK ultrarunner Damian Hall successfully completed his FKT run of the Pennine Way without creating any plastic waste. As outlined in his book, In It for the Long Run, Damian ate lots of banana sandwiches, homemade vegan brownies, salty trail mix, and energy bars wrapped in compostable material.

Here are ten ways trail runners can reduce plastic reliance:

  1. Buy bulk goods.
  2. Look for packaging that contains recycled content.
  3. Switch to beeswax wrappers for homemade energy bars.
  4. Check How2Recycle for information about where to recycle different types of packaging.
  5. Support brands making an effort to reduce plastic packaging.
  6. Check to see if your cosmetics contain microplastic beads using this app.
  7. Make your own trail mix and take a reusable bag on long runs to carry snacks.
  8. Use grocery bags made from natural fabrics.
  9. Go plogging and tag Take 3 For The Trail if you use social media.
  10. Organize a trail clean up event.

Looking To The Future

Divesting from plastic convenience may lie in the word plastic itself, as noted in Life Without Plastic, a book by Chantal Plamondon and Jay Shinha. The root of the word plastic comes from the Greek verb plassein, to mold. One feature of the human brain is its remarkable plasticity and an ability to form new habits. While we can’t recycle our way out of our dependence on single-use plastics, or rely on seaweed cups for answers, the very adaptability of trail and ultra runners, as natural problem-solvers, can indeed help us make meaningful steps in reducing the impact of single-use packaging in our community.

Residuos y más residuos

Submon ha retirado 4.500 kg de residuos de gran tamaño que impactaban a praderas de posidonia del Cabo de Creus, en concreto de los fondos marinos de Roses y Llançà, en Girona. Hablando de residuos, el 80 por ciento que se desechan podrían ser procesados y convertidos en material útil para elaborar nuevos productos. No se hace porque es complicado y caro. TerraCycle revierte esta situación y da nueva vida a productos como bolígrafos, maquinillas de afeitar, cápsulas de café o tóneres de impresora…

How Liz Matthews is Marrying Craveability and Responsible Dining at Taco Bell

The chain's Chief Food Innovation Officer wants guests to feel great about their order, each and every time.
"With thousands of restaurants, we understand our responsibility to make a positive environmental impact," Matthews says.
I may be biased, but I have one of the coolest jobs and greatest teams out there. I lead Taco Bell’s Food Innovation Team and the masterminds of our famous Test Kitchen. Whether you’re enjoying a limited time food offering or menu classic, my team plays an important role in bringing delicious food innovations to your plate. I grew up on Taco Bell and loved how I could access a whole menu of flavor with even just a dollar. But I actually went to California State University to study psychiatry. One semester I took a nutrition class. That was a pivotal moment where my interests shifted, and I ended up going to school for food science and nutrition. Later, I ended up in the manufacturing space. I knew I wanted to make my way back home to the LA area, and I found Taco Bell. For over two decades, I’ve been working to make sure our fans don’t have to choose between craveability and responsible dining. Everyone should feel great about their Taco Bell order, each and every time. Throughout last year, in particular, my team and I were busy making good on our continued commitments to our fans. We’re always listening to them. In 2021, we tested or launched everything from the Crispy Chicken Sandwich Taco to the Naked Chalupa with a Crispy Plant-Based Shell. We’re constantly developing unexpected menu items that everyone can enjoy, whether flexitarian or veggie-curious. Not only do we want our food to be unique and craveable, but we also want it to feed people’s lives with good. We’re on this exciting path that we call our Food For All journey, where we constantly evolve our menu to make sure we’re offering food that fits each and every lifestyle. Over the years, we’ve done everything from reducing sodium and removing artificial colors to sourcing only cage-free eggs and chicken raised without human antibiotics. I’m also proud of our work to leave a lighter footprint. With thousands of restaurants, we understand our responsibility to make a positive environmental impact. We made a global commitment to ensure all of our consumer-facing packaging is recyclable, compostable or reusable by 2025 … yes, all of it. We’ve launched a partnership with TerraCycle, we’re generating demand for unwanted recycled materials and we’re even repurposing used cooking oil in some restaurants. We have lots more in the pipeline for the rest of 2022. What was your first job? I’m from Los Angeles originally, and I started out working in restaurants when I was young. Starting as a hostess, I continued to take on a variety of in-restaurant roles over the years and work my way up. What’s your favorite menu item at Taco Bell?
  I grew up on the Burrito Supreme and it will forever remain my personal favorite. What’s your favorite cuisine aside from Taco Bell? Super hard question as I love it all.  I would say behind Mexican it would have to be Japanese … sushi, Udon, Ramen, Soba. Who inspires you as a leader? Right now, it’s this next generation. I have inspiring teenagers and they are nothing like I was when I was a teen! Young people across the world are teaching us all so much about the past, the present and different ways of thinking about the future—the views are positive, optimistic and not sugar coated. They see real big opportunities for change and are working in small and big ways towards real solutions. They are creating such momentum for our future. What’s the best piece of advice that other restaurant executives should hear? Always listen and observe. I am not the consumer or a team member that works in the restaurant anymore. Your team members have so much insight to the business and have amazing ideas. The consumers, the ones who love you and even the ones who don’t, can lead you to amazing ideas. Often people can't express what they want when it comes to food, so I love to observe people eating and creating moments with food. It can be very insightful. What are some of your interests outside of work? Food is honestly a major part of my personal life, too; I remember my key life memories through the food I ate during them. So, I love to try new foods and restaurants, and LA offers just the best! I love spending time with my family and friends and being active outdoors.

Biolage Professional Releases Color Last Limited-Edition Recycled Bottles

The sustainable hair care packaging is made of 100% recycled paper and plastic. image.png
Biolage Professional has released color last limited-edition recycled bottles made of 100% recycled paper and plastic and 40% less plastic overall.
The limited-edition packaging has been designed to minimize plastic use and take steps to a more eco-conscious brand footprint. Its outer shell is made from FSC-certified, 100% recycled, water -resistant paper with wet-strength technology, making the bottle shower safe, said the Happi Top 30 company. The outer paper packaging protects a thin plastic liner on the inside made of 100% recycled plastic and the entire bottle is manufactured in a zero water-waste facility, said the company.

Recycle Box Program

Biolage's new partnership with SalonCycle will make recycling salon waste more accessible to stylists, in other news at the company. The brand will sponsor a SalonCycle recycling box in all SalonCentric stores for licensed professionals on April 18-30. SalonCycle provides recycling for traditionally non-recyclable salon waste and packaging. SalonCentric customers can collect and drop off salon waste in the Biolage Professional-sponsored recycling box at the SalonCentric store of choice. Once the box is full, the SalonCentric store team will ship the box back to SalonCycle to recycle all its contents.
“Although these initiatives are for a limited time, we truly look forward to hearing the response from consumers and professionals and continuing to work toward a more sustainable future for the brand,” said Mounia Tahiri, Biolage Professional senior vice president. “This brand is inspired by nature, and we are constantly exploring ways to reduce our environmental footprint and encourage others to reduce theirs.”
Drawing from the brand’s connection to nature, Biolage Professional partnered with multidisciplinary Brazilian artist Barbara Malagoli to bring to life this limited-editing packaging. Malagoli’s work is full of female figures and symbols that tell stories of empowerment and embody the Earth’s beauty.
“As a haircare professional, Color Last is a staple in my toolkit to ensure my clients’ hair stays vibrant and nourished,” said Sunnie Brook, Biolage Professional global ambassador and celebrity stylist. “I’m proud to be partnered with a brand that’s continuously exploring ways to develop and implement more sustainable packaging.” For more hair care news, check out our most recent feature here.

Contact lens recycling program sets sights on Simcoe County

A number of opticians' offices across the country are now offering a free recycling program for contact lens wearers. Eyecare provider Bausch and Lomb launched the Every Contact Counts Recycling program in collaboration with recycling company Terracycle. According to Terracycle, more than 290 million contact lenses end up in Canadian landfills and waterways each year. Consumers can drop off their used contact lenses at one of the four opticians' offices offering the program in Simcoe County. Here's a list of available locations in the Barrie and Orillia area: More information about the program can be found here. image.png