Six Flags $15 Off General Admission

KRAFT and TerraCycle have partnered with Six Flags parks across the United States to offer $15 discounts on general admission tickets to visitors who bring specially marked KRAFT cheese packaging. The packaging will then be sent to TerraCycle to be recycled into eco-friendly products. TerraCycle recycles packaging that is normally non-recyclable, and this is one of first opportunities to recycle string cheese packaging on such a large scale. This is a great way to help protect your pocket book and the environment!

Texas Summer Giveaway Bash: Terracycle

This giveaway is packed full of awesome stuff that is fun for both moms and kids, and its good for the environment, all courtesy of Terracycle. TerraCycle is an awesome company that is reducing waste by finding creative ways to use materials that most of us would think of as garbage. You know the saying “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.

The Outdoor Life: Keep it Cool with TerraCycle ~ Giveaway

Spending time outdoors makes me hungry. That’s why picnics were invented. Who wants to have to go back INSIDE when you’re having so much fun OUTSIDE!? We have a cute picnic basket that, frankly, needs to see more sunlight. However, since it’s not insulated, I can only use it for quick trip-to-the-park picnics. For longer trips, I use an insulated cooler. Terracycle, Inc. sent us a roomy Ozark Trail 36 Can Cooler with Removable Hardliner. This particular cooler has a special hardliner – it’s made by Terracycle out of recycled Frito-Lay chip bags! And, it’s antimicrobial (no clue how that happens, but true!). The Ozark Trail Cooler from Terracycle has zipper and mesh pockets front and side pockets, as well as a 3″ expandable top for dry storage, so you don’t have to pack just cans. The 36-can size is perfect to hold one lunch for our family – we sit it between our seats, and I can grab snacks as we go and zip it back up! If we happen to stop, we don’t have to unpack the whole car, I just lift out the cooler and we’re ready to eat!

Texas Summer Giveaway Bash - Terracycle

Are you excited for back-to-school?! I am just so excited. This next giveaway is packed full of awesome stuff that is fun for both moms and kids, as well as good for the environment, courtesy of Terracycle. TerraCycle is an awesome company that is reducing waste by finding creative was to use materials most of us would think of as garbage. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, right?

Llaman a donar sobres vacios para reciclado

Como parte de una campaña para contribuir con el medio ambiente al tiempo que obtienen recursos, personal de Fundación Juárez Integra A. C. invita a la comunidad a donar los sobres vacíos de bebidas en polvo, cepillos de dientes, tubos de pasta dental y sus empaques. Por cada pieza que reúnan, la empresa estadounidense TerraCycle en México les dará 25 centavos, que en conjunto, “significará de mucha ayuda para brindar atención”. Laura Antillón, directora de Desarrollo Institucional de la Fundación, manifestó que iniciaron la campaña de manera interna pero que gracias a los mismos beneficiarios, otras personas se dieron cuenta y los han apoyado en la causa. Agregó que luego de unos dos meses de colecta están en fechas de envío del primer lote. “El apoyo económico se irá a la cuenta de gasto general, con la cual solventamos todo lo que son los servicios para que las personas con discapacidad puedan recibir su atención”, expresó. Isaac Arjona, gerente general de TerraCycle México, dijo que con la ayuda de Tang y Colgate, que patrocinan un mismo número de brigadas que toman su nombre, se cumple con el objetivo de eliminar la basura para toda la categoría, a través de su programa de reutilización. Explicó que de tal manera, escuelas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro pueden cooperar con el medio ambiente, enviar el material sin costo alguno y recibir una remuneración económica en beneficio de su comunidad semestralmente. De acuerdo con información en la página de Internet de la empresa, con lo recolectado, se realizan carteras, estuches para cosméticos, cepillo de dientes y lápices, mochilas, bolsas y monederos. Laura Antillón recordó que la comunidad en general podrá llevar el material a las oficinas ubicadas en la calle Privada Pascual Ortiz Rubio 1410 en la colonia Partido Senecú en un horario de 9 de la mañana a 7 de la tarde, de lunes a viernes.

What is Upcycling?

Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or products that cannot be recycled into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value. This is a fairly new term in our increasingly eco-conscious world. Upcycling embraces uniqueness and creativity because upcycled products are truly one of a kind. One of the pioneers of upcycling is TerraCycle. They are taking wasteful materials such as drink pouches, chip bags, and tooth brushes and making them into a variety of neat consumer products. TerraCycle’s products are available through a number of retailers including Wal-Mart and Target as well as online. The goal of TerraCycle is to help eliminate waste. They run their own collection programs at many major retailers, theatres, stadiums, and restaurants. In fact, you can sign up on their website to donate certain waste items to TerraCycle and they’ll pay the shipping to get it from you and donate money to a charity of your choice. Find out more about How TerraCycle Works.

Creating Collection and Solution Systems

We have to admit that we are a disposable society. Without doing something constructive with many things we possess and become tired of, we simply toss it away in the garbage can. Recycling of course is nothing new to us. We see people throw away so much reusable stuff that invades our landfills every single day and never think twice about finding an alternative use for those goods. Many of our parents and grandparents recycled every day, not because it was a fashionable thing to do, but rather out of sheer necessity. TerraCycle, a company founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, who was a 20-year-old freshman attending Princeton University at that time, strives to eliminate the idea of waste. This company offers collection programs to recycle things that people may think is non-recyclable into a broad range of products and materials. Over 14 million people collect stuff that is disposed of in 11 different countries to turn those non-recyclable items into solution systems.

10 Recycling Mysteries, Solved!

Plastic-coated candy wrappers have long been a recycling dilemma because of their size, weight and lack of valuable, post-life material. But even though they’re tiny in size, they’re everywhere. In fact, Americans consumed 23.8 pounds of candy per capita in 2008 alone. We are also big fans of the upcycling geniuses at TerraCycle, who collect hard-to-recycle items to create products ranging from book bags to fire logs. The company has partnered with Mars to collect wrappers through its Candy Wrapper Brigade, a free program that pays nonprofits to help collect candy wrappers. For each wrapper collected, Mars and TerraCycle will donate 2 cents to the charity of the donor’s choice.

Local Groups Can Recycle With TerraCycle

Summer is the season for outdoor parties and picnics, and it’s important to take care of the outdoors as you are enjoying it. Instead of filling up your trash can with empty food wrappers and plastic cups after guests leave, you can reuse the packaging yourself or send the waste to TerraCycle, where you can earn money for your favorite charity and keep things out of the local landfill at the same time. There are already some Brigade teams in the area, including Bentley School. TerraCycle, an innovative upcycling and recycling company, partners with brands such as Frito-Lay, Nabisco, Kraft Cheese, Solo, and Scott to reduce the amount of waste being thrown away. Some of the wrappers can also be used for do-it-yourself projects. An easy, crafty summer project is the do-it-yourself chip bowl, which can be made from a Frito-Lay chip bag, and then used for your next party! Or, you can turn your used Solo cups into herb planters for the porch or kitchen. For those who’d prefer to send their waste back to TerraCycle, they’ll earn two cents per item for a charity of their choice.