The World of Upcycling

Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or products that cannot be recycled into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value. This is a fairly new term in our increasingly eco-conscious world. Upcycling embraces uniqueness and creativity because upcycled products are truly one of a kind. One of the pioneers of upcycling is TerraCycle. They are taking wasteful materials such as drink pouches, chip bags, and tooth brushes and making them into a variety of neat consumer products. TerraCycle’s products are available through a number of retailers including Wal-Mart and Target as well as online.

Texas Summer Giveaway Bash: Terracycle Goodie Pack

Talk about a s-w-e-e-e-et way to start day two of our Texas Summer Bash Giveaway…from trash to treasure—that’s what Terracycle can do for you!!! TerraCycle is an amazing company that specializes in making so many wonderful things out of pouches from Capri Sun drink pouches, Yogurt cups, chip bags and soooo much more! I’m telling you—they really are awesome and they’ve got recycling down pact! Terracycle pays non-profits and schools to collect used drink pouches, yogurt cups, chip bags and more! Then they turn those materials into awesome and affordable high quality products.If you would like to learn more about TerraCycle or sign up for their Waste Collection Programs. Many of the collections programs are free and they will donate to a school of your choice! We have a Yakpak backpack, an Urban Art Pot, a Vegetable Growing Kit, an Honest Kids pencil case, a mini Capri Sun notebook, and candy wrapper boom box speakers to giveaway all courtesy of TerraCycle. Click on the beach ball to enter!

ENTREVISTA a Ann Glotzbach

Es presidente de TerraCycle Cono Sur. La misión de TerraCycle es eliminar la idea de la basura creando sistemas de reciclaje para los materiales que hasta ahora no son reciclables. Ann es de Estados Unidos pero hace dos años que vive en Buenos Aires. Vino en principio por un año pero la convocaron para estar a cargo de TerraCycle Cono Sur, le encantó la idea y decidió quedarse. Tiene solo 29 años, habla perfecto español y está muy comprometida con este proyecto.

Trashy Eyecare Offices

I absolutely love this. Talk about a Destination Eyecare Office? Check out Terracycle’s Office who has creatively up- cycled trash into a cool, unique and trash look. Think about how many of your patients would want to come in and check out your new- reused look TerraCycle, specializes in making new products from hard-to-recycle waste, from used corks to cookie bags. It’s only fitting that its own office is upcycled, too. Check out photos from our tour of its Trenton, N.J. facility. (Source earth911.com)

Gear Tuesday: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant’s choice.

Texas Summer Giveaway Bash: Terracycle

This next giveaway is packed full of awesome stuff that is fun for both moms and kids as well as good for the environment courtesy of Terracycle. TerraCycle is an awesome company that is reducing waste by finding creative ways to use materials most of us would think of as garbage. One man's trash is another man's treasure right?