CPG companies promote conversion of packaging waste into useful products

  Maple Leaf’s Schneiders® Lunchmate® kits packagingMaple Leaf Foods, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and Garnier, a subsidiary of L’Oreal, USA, New York, NY, collaborate with Toronto-based TerraCycle Canada and TerraCycle headquarters, Trenton, NJ, respectively, to recycle packaging waste. The upcycler collects packaging from consumers who buy Maple Leaf’s Schneiders® Lunchmate® kits or Garnier beauty-care products. “By partnering with TerraCycle, we’re able to turn used Lunchmate kits into great new products and divert waste from landfills,” explains Kate Beresford, director, marketing, Maple Leaf Foods. “To support everyone who joins our mission, the Schneiders® Lunchmate® Brigade will donate two cents to a school or nonprofit organization of the participant’s choice for each package that’s returned.” Schneiders® Lunchmate® Brigade participants simply sign up at www.terracycle.ca to join and then fill any box with used Lunchmate kit packaging. When the box is full, the participant logs into his/her account, prints a prepaid UPS shipping label and sends the box to TerraCycle at no cost. TerraCycle records the amount collected and sends earned donations to the specified recipients twice a year. The packaging waste is repurposed into new materials and products, which TerraCycle sells online.

PepsiCo y TerraCycle impulsan la cultura del reciclaje en México

Con el firme propósito de difundir la importancia del reciclaje en los hogares mexicanos y promover una cultura de cuidado al medio ambiente, PepsiCo México y Terracycle México impartirán talleres de reciclaje en tiendas Walmart del país. Los participantes aprenderán cómo se puede dar una segunda vida a un empaque y convertirlo en un producto amigable con el medio ambiente. Además, podrán obtener un estuche multiusos hecho con envolturas de los productos del portafolio de PepsiCo.