Certos materiais, como embalagens de salgadinho, frascos de esmalte e potes de margarina, não devem ir para a coleta seletiva, mas também não precisam acabar no aterro. Há empresas que recebem esses materiais que exigem cuidados ou processos especiais. Um exemplo é a TerraCycle, que estimula a formação de "brigadas de coleta” e cria, a partir de diferentes resíduos, produtos, como bolsas, guarda-chuvas, jogos americanos, porta-lápis etc.
vom 1. August bis zum 31. Oktober 2013 richten der Stiftehersteller BIC und das Umweltunternehmen TerraCycle bereits zum dritten Mal den Schulwettbewerb zum Thema Stifte-Recycling für Schulen in ganz Deutschland aus. Im letzten Jahr nahmen 93 Schulen aus 14 Bundesländern teil. Sieger wurde die Regionale Schule mit Grundschule Marnitz aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, die insgesamt über 8.000 Stifte sammelte und kostenlos zum Recycling an TerraCycle schickte. Zum dreijährigen Jubiläum spendet BIC neben dem Preisgeld in Höhe von bis zu 600 Euro für die Schule drei statt der üblichen zwei Cent pro Stift für einen gemeinnützigen Zweck oder den Schul-Förderverein.
Hickory Church of Christ in North Carolina is the national winner of cash and prizes in a contest run by Kraft Cheese and recycling pioneer TerraCycle. - See more at: http://www.faithfulnews.com/main/view/307565/say-cheese-north-carolina-congregation-wins-national-recycling-contest?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FaithfulnewsLatestRssFeed-AllContents+%28FaithfulNews+Latest+RSS+Feed+-+All+Contents%29#sthash.ALrn6z9o.dpuf
El inicio a clases se aproxima y usted ¿aún no sabe cómo completar su lista e útiles por falta de presupuesto? Pues aquí le presentamos unos consejos que le servirán para la reutilización de los útiles escolares viejos y a su vez como alimentar saludablemente a sus hijos durante el año escolar.
Punto de Recogida a la entrada del colegio, al lado de secretaría.
HICKORY, N.C. — Hickory Church of Christ is the national winner of cash and prizes in a contest run by Kraft Cheese and recycling pioneer TerraCycle.
The Kraft Barbecue Bash contest gave entrants a chance to win by recycling the most used cheese wrappers June 1-July 31. Hickory Church of Christ sent in 9,000 wrappers as part of The Cheese Packaging Brigade, TerraCycle’s nationwide collection program to keep cheese wrappers from going to landfills while earning money for charity at the same time.
The annual innovators get to have a free booth at the fest, and one of them will be selected for a $750 cash prize. Judges have a say, but the public can vote online as well on the Greenfest website. Grid Magazine will host a special edition of Grid Alive with the Innovators on the Greenfest stage at the festival. The winner will be announced on stage at the conclusion of Greenfest.
So here they all are:
Bog Berry
Drexel Smart House
Lots of Power
Paper Wool
Postgreen Homes
South Philly High School Greening Program