A Sok kicsi sokra megy közmondás a valóságban csúf látványt is nyújthat, ilyen az eldobott cigarettacsikkekből keletkezett szeméthalom. Ezek jellemzően a városokban, nagyobb településeken, azokon belüli is főleg a tömegközlekedési járművek megállóinak környékén, valamint tereken, parkokban terheli sok-sok helyen a környezetet. Eddig „csak” több-kevesebb rendszerességgel összesöpörte a település tisztaságért felelős cég dolgozója és a „csikkgyűjteményt” a szemétlerakóba vitték.
Cómo muchos sabréis, tenemos en marcha una recogida de elementos de escritura de plástico agotados (bolígrafos, rotuladores, marcadores fosforescentes…) organizada por
Terracycle y Bic.
I recently had the amazing opportunity to travel to the
TerraCycle Mexico office in Monterrey. My assignment was to upcycle their office from materials that would normally be scrapped. In just over a week, the space was transformed from a traditional office space to three floors furnished entirely from remade materials. The resulting interior demonstrated TerraCycle’s commitment to sustainability and makes the statement that recycled materials can be functional and fashionable.
A Terra Cycle trabalha com um sistema de coleta de resíduos que estimula a formação de “brigadas”,que recolhem o lixo de difícil reciclabilidade.
Em 2012, a Faber-Castell estabeleceu uma parceria com a TerraCycle e lançou um programa de coleta que permite a transformação de instrumentos de escrita em matéria prima reciclada que substitui o material virgem que seria utilizado e evita o descarte de resíduos no meio ambiente. O consumidor pode ajudar se inscrevendo no Programa de Coleta e na Brigada de Instrumentos de Escrita Faber-Castell.
If you are not familiar with TerraCycle, it is a company that focuses on creating systems that will upcycle items that are considered to be hard to recycle (such as cigarette butts). With the hopes of being able to keep cigarette butts off of the sides of highways and out of landfills, TerraCycle has recently partnered up with Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co. in the hopes of being able to create some viable alternatives for cigarette waste.
Be beautiful and environmentally savvy while you're at it. Recycle your old beauty products by shipping them to
Terra Cycle (you can download their pre-paid UPS shipping packages online so it's completely free). They'll take your old beauty products and transform them into something new.