Posts with term TerraCycle X

Wal-Mart stores are littered with wasteful products this month

This month, in honor of Earth Day, Wal-Mart is selling garbage next to the garbage already on the shelves. The only difference is that these new products have been reincarnated into useful items thanks to theupcycling company TerraCycle. Until April 29, these kites, pots, and bags made from waste are being sold right next to the products they come from. For example, this Oreo-branded backpack is on sale next to boxes of real Oreos:

Products Made from Waste Available at Walmart Through April

TerraCycle collects waste which is normally non-recyclable, such as candy wrappers, chip bags, and juice pouches, and makes hundreds of eco-friendly products with them. This year, almost 60 of the company’s products will be sold in evert Walmart store across the US for the month of April, exposing millions of customers to these unique items, and perhaps sparking some conversations about the life cycle of products and packaging.

Starting April 5th

Starting April 5th, and for a limited time only during April, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be available in every Walmart across the country in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day. This will include lots of brand new items, which you can look at right now by reading this blog post.

The Weekend Guide: Sales & Events

Green Up Shop Featuring over 200 items made from recycled or waste items from TerraCycle and 6 other New York and Brooklyn-based designers. A range of clothing, furniture, jewelry, home decor, fitness and other items will be available from some of New York's best up-and-coming designers and companies. Port Authority Bus Terminal | 8th Avenue and 41st Street NYC 3/27 - 5/9

TerraCycle at WALMART!!!!

WOW!! This is so exciting!! After months of collecting, sorting, packaging and mailing, we are getting a chance to see the products that all the trash is being turned into at our local WalMart. Now to see if it is a success. You can help make it a success by stopping by your local WalMart and purchasing one of these great new products. Listed below are all the details of what is available in most stores. Show your support of your schools and purchase a bag. ALSO there is a way to turn the dollars you spent buying to also support your school. Save your receipt and contact your schools TerraCycle representative to learn how.


HAWKS ... Starting April 5th, and for a limited time only during April, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be available in every Walmart across the country in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day. Usually you have to order them online, so this is super cool. These are the products that they're making with the stuff YOU save. So keep on bringing all of your empty drink pouches, chip/cookie bags, candy/energy bar wrappers, Lunchable containers, Kashi product packaging, Elmer's Glue bottles and sticks, Scotch tape cores, Aveeno tubes, and Colgate toothpaste boxes! OUR contest (to earn your teacher a bag, your class a recycled art activity, and three top collecting students a pencil bag) will go through the second week in May. The Terracycle products will only be in Walmart THIS month!

Get Your TerraCycle Products At Walmart!

You might remember my previous post about Terracycle’s Big News, and I thought a reminder would be in order. You only have the month of April to get your own Terracycle goodies, so you’ll have to act fast. Here are the details from the Terracycle blog: A whole bunch of brand new TerraCycle items will be available, during April for a limited time only, at every single Walmart across the country. Starting April 5th, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be sold right next to the original items they were made from. Cheetos kites and tote bags made from Frito-Lay wrappers will be sold with bags of Frito-Lay chips, while notebooks and purses made out of skittles and M&M wrappers will be sold right next to bags of Mars Candy!


New Terracycle products are available at all Walmart stores in the US for the month of April in celebration of Earth Day. I love these products, I own several and I also run three brigades through them. I absolutely love that trash is getting turned into these useful and cool products. Kudos to Terracycle!!