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Bæredygtighed var atter et hovedtema på Copenhagen Design Week, men i år fokuserede man på de store linjer i produktionen - bl.a. den fineste form for genbrug, upcycling, der handler om at opgradere skrald. ... En af pionererne inden for upcycling er det New Jersey-baserede firma TerraCycle, der blev startet i 2001 af to studerende fra Princeton University, som havde held med at lade orme omdanne universitetskantinens affald til gødning.

Trash Tycoon – juego que nos anima a reciclar y reutilizar productos

Guerillapps nos presenta Trash Tycoon, un juego social sobre el valor de reciclar cuyo objetivo es impulsarnos a convertir aquellos deshechos que ya no utilizamos en productos que nos sean útiles. El objetivo del juego dista de la dinámica que estamos acostumbrados a ver normalmente en los juegos sociales como The Sims o FarmVille en los que se construyen casas, ciudades o plantaciones. En Trash Tycoon nos ocupamos de dejar la ciudad limpia recogiendo restos de basura y ordenando una ciudad inicialmente se nos presenta bastante caótica, para al final convertirla en una comunidad ecológica y sostenible. El juego está esponsorizado por TerraCycle, una compañía de reciclaje que se dedica a hacer campañas para promover el reciclaje en las grandes ciudades. Según el co-fundador de Guerillapps Raviv Turner, “queríamos motivar a los consumidores a hacer lo correcto”. De hecho, tienen planes para desarrollar más juegos sobre salud y sostenibilidad del estilo de Tycon Trash.

TerraCycle: reciclant el no-reciclable

Terracycle ens proposa eliminar el concepte d'escombraries, reciclant allò que d'entrada podria semblar que no és reciclable. El funcionament del projecte és senzill. Cada programa de recollida rep el nom de "Brigada". Cada brigada està formada per equips de recollida d'una categoria de deixalles. Aquests equips envien a Terracycle les deixalles recol·lectades i ells s'encarreguen de reciclar-les, suprarreciclar-les i convertir-les en productes nous. Amb imaginació aconsegueixen que cap producte es resisteixi a ser reciclat. A més, per cada unitat de deixalles recollides, es destinaran 20 cèntims a l'escola o associació escollida.

Game on: TerraCycle brings Trash Tycoon to Facebook

Hoping to inspire real life eco-action and give tired, old FarmVille a run for its money, TerraCycle launches Trash Tycoon, Facebook's first ever 'social upcycling game.' Make no qualms about it, I’m not a FarmVille kind of guy. At all. In fact, if FarmVille, CityVille, FrontierVille, or a Ville of any sort pops on my Facebook news feed, I’ll hide it without an ounce of hesitation. Call me what you will but these games and apps just aren’t my cup o’ social networking tea. Besides, I’m too busy posting Jazzercise Yet, I’m quite intrigued by a certain new social networking game that I don’t think I’d mind seeing show up here and there on my news feed. And heck, I’m admittedly tempted to even start playing it myself. Launched by one of my favorite green companies, Trenton, N.J.-based TerraCycle , in partnership with TreeHugger and Carbonfund.org , the game in question is called Trash Tycoon and it’s being described as Facebook’s first “social upcycling game.”

Green-themed Social Game ‘Trash Tycoon’ Hits Facebook, Gives In-game Rewards For Real-life Recycling

Social gaming company Guerillapps has launched “Trash Tycoon,” a social game on Facebook which has a focus on environmental issues. The game aims to increase awareness of environmental issues and sustainability, while it highlights the concept of upcycling — where discarded waste is repurposed for a valuable use. What’s particularly interesting about this is that you can receive in-game rewards for recycling material in real life. In the game, you can collect litter in a city covered in trash and upcycle waste into valuable, environmentally friendly products. The upcycling process ranges from finding uses for plastic bags to creating a home out of discarded material. You can create other items such as jewelry, toys and furniture, which you can either keep for yourself or sell for profit. When you complete missions, you will collect virtual money and points to help you rise up the rankings and become a garbage tycoon. The game’s overall aim reflects that of its sponsor TerraCycle — which is a collection and solution program for waste that is typically non-recyclable. The 21 million people who participate in TerraCycle’s recycling programs earn 2 points, equivalent to 2 cents, for every piece of waste they collect and return to a TerraCycle kiosk.

Facebook Game Upcycles Trash For Charity

Trash Tycoon , created by social gaming startup Guerillapps and sponsored by upcycling company TerraCycle , is the first Facebook game built around upcycling. In the game, players take the role of recycling entrepreneurs responsible for cleaning up a trash-strewn city. Players earn game money and points by collecting and upcycling trash – converting waste into useful, quality products – just like TerraCycle does in real life. While playing the game, users will be able to communicate and collaborate with each other in real time, banding together with friends to take on trash.

New Apps Promote Environmental Values: Upcycling, Endangered Species

A new game on Facebook is the first to highlight the concept of upcycling, where trash is turned into valuable products rather than thrown away. Manhattan-based startup Guerillapps created Trash Tycoon, where players take the role of recycling entrepreneurs. They collect litter in a trash strewn city and upcycle the waste into higher quality, environmentally responsible products. They earn points and can ultimately earn the title of garbage tycoon. The game's trash-tackling premise directly mirrors that of sponsor TerraCycle in the real world .