Posts with term TerraCycle X

The Trash Tycoon Facebook Game Launches Today!

ou can also cooperate with others to achieve these goals more efficiently! Players can help clean up other players cities, speed up the production of upcycled goods, and even chat and interact in real time. We also have programs with groups like CarbonFund.org so that every-time you purchase anything in the game, 10% gets donated to the carbon offset project of your choice! For more in-depth information on the gameplay itself, check out the FAQ over at our forums . Additionally the launch will have loads of new features for those already participating in the Beta. We'll have more visible trash-tracking systems, upgradable production buildings, new items, new goals and more! Don't worry, we also have tons of post-launch content planned as well! We'd also like to thank our sponsors at Terracycle as well. In our game, real world Terracycle teams can join together to receive in-game bonuses and items. There's also a lot of great unique Terracycle items in the game: everything from upcycled lunch boxes, to Terracycle clothing for your avatar. Beyond that, they've just been wonderful in terms of providing support and inspiration for loads of in-game content, so check them out here and if you're a part of a Terracycle team already, make sure to use our Teams function to meet up in game!

Des céréales sans boîte en carton

Les céréales de la marque Sally sont vendues au Canada sans boîte. Une commercialisation qui a démarré début août. Les céréales sont présentées dans un sachet refermable, permettant ainsi d’éliminer la boîte extérieure, ce qui laisse beaucoup moins d’emballages. Afin de réduire davantage ses déchets d'emballage, Malt-O-Meal a établi un partenariat avec TerraCycle® Canada à qui les consommateurs peuvent retourner les sachets vides.

Malt-O-Meal launches Sally’s cereal in Canada

The Malt-O-Meal Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota, US, has extended its cereal lineup with the launch of Sally’s brand cereal. Sally’s, which is available in nine flavors, is the first Malt-O-Meal brand available in Canada. To further reduce its packaging waste, Malt-O-Meal has partnered with TerraCycle Canada, an international upcycling company that takes packaging materials that can’t be recycled and repurposes that material into new, high quality goods

Trash Tycoon on Facebook!!

Trash Tycoon which is sponsored by Terracycle  <http://www.terracycle.net/> and Treehugger   <http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/09/the-trash-tycoon-facebook-game-launches-today.php> is now open today  September 6th, 2011 to the public in beta form. I took the time to play and get familiar with the game and it is fun. The look and feel of the game is very similar to that of the other Tycoon games which is simple and colorful. You start out with a plot of land and you start cleaning up trash around the city and build recycling plants that turn the different refuse into upcycled products. Upcycled products are finished goods that come from the trash. Some examples of upcycling within Trash Tycoon:
  1. If you build a worm farm you can then create and sell fertilizer from the organic waste you find
  2. If you build a plastic extruder you can create items that are based in plastic such as toys and back packs
  3. If you build  a paper recycling plant then you can create pencils and paper towels and other products