From Guerillapps comes Trash Tycoon (, a free, green-themed social game for Facebook. The game incorporates awareness for environmental issues and sustainability. In Trash Tycoon, players take on the role of recycling entrepreneurs who collect virtual litter in a trash strewn city and upcycle the trash into higher quality, environmentally-friendly products. Upcycling, a process in which discarded waste is repurposed for valuable use, can range from building a house of abandoned material to finding innovative uses for discarded plastic bags. After completing missions, users collect virtual cash and points to ultimately earn the Trash Tycoon title. The game’s trash-tackling premise directly mirrors the activities of its sponsor, TerraCycle, a real-world company that collects and reuses non-recyclable post-consumer waste.
Packaging science is vital to recycling and upcycling, and protecting the environment from our waste and overuse of natural resources. We both now how important packaging is, the question is how to keep it evolving. TerraCycle is out to reach people of all ages — not just those interested in packaging — and that means reaching kids as well and raising their interest in the importance of packaging. This is where our latest venture, Trash Tycoon, comes in to the picture.
Trash Tycoon is the brain-child of the Social Game start-up GuerillApps, who designed the cutting edge game with TerraCycle’s real life upcycling and recycling programs in mind. Through the game, and in the privacy our their own homes, kids (and parents) can learn about how TerraCycle’s Brigade programs work, and what happens to trash after it’s collected and sent to TerraCycle.
Para construir o robô, foram usadas cerca de um milhão de embalagens de refresco em pó, recolhidas por crianças participantes das Brigadas Tang de Reciclagem em todo o país,
Do you like Facebook games?
I used to be a Farmville junkie but stopped playing and then I heard about the TerraCycle game! I was so excited, now I love the game and the company!
Las empresas
Tang y TerraCycle, continúan su trabajo denodado para reutilizar envases de bebidas en polvo y transformarlos en productos económicos y amigables para el medio ambiente.
A través de un acuerdo y siguiendo la consigna de “
Gánale a la Basura”, las compañías llevan adelante el
Primer Programa de Reutilización de Envases en Argentina, del que el público también puede participar. El propósito es generar en las futuras generaciones un mayor interés por las cuestiones ambientales.
Esta alianza promueve la recolección y la reutilización de los envases de bebidas en polvo. Los consumidores colaboran en la disposición final de los mismos, minimizado el impacto ambiental y promoviendo la cultura del cuidado del medio ambiente de una manera amigable.
El proyecto tiene previsto un programa de donaciones para organizaciones sin fines de lucro y escuelas elegidas por cada equipo de recolección.
Puntualmente, la misión de TerraCycle es eliminar la idea de la basura”, explica Mercedes Davico, Gerente de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas de
TerraCycle. “
La recolección de estos residuos la hacemos a través de Programas Nacionales de Recolección. Los participantes juntan los sobrecitos y cuando tienen una cantidad nosotros los retiramos sin cargo. Es muy fácil y completamente gratis. Además, donamos 10 centavos por cada sobre que recibimos a la organización que el equipo participante elija. Es una forma de colaborar con el planeta y además, ayudar a la comunidad con las donaciones recibidas”, sintetiza.
This year, bringing green into the fall and winter is easy. While packing lunches as kids head back to school, options for staying eco-friendly and keeping lunch tasty are at your fingertips.
TerraCycle, a pioneering recycling and upcycling company, offers eco-friendly, upcycled and recycled lunchboxes as well as a way to earn money by collecting non-recyclable food packaging such as cookies, chips, and juice pouches.
This year, bringing green into the fall and winter is easy. While packing lunches as kids head back to school, options for staying eco-friendly and keeping lunch tasty are at your fingertips.
TerraCycle, a pioneering recycling and upcycling company, offers eco-friendly, upcycled and recycled lunchboxes as well as a way to earn money by collecting non-recyclable food packaging such as cookies, chips, and juice pouches.
Once they're done, students can make their own environmental efforts by joining a Brigade, collecting their wrappers and sending them in to TerraCycle to earn money for their school. In addition to the lunchboxes mentioned above, TerraCycle turns the wrappers into eco-friendly backpacks, pencils and notebooks for students to enjoy.
Fundación + árboles participa en la Brigada de Instrumentos de Escritura y consigue fondos para los proyectos “Nendo Dango” y “El camino de las ardillas”.
La empresa TerraCycle ha creado en España un programa pionero de recogida y reciclaje de residuos. Este programa se llama Brigada de Instrumentos de Escritura y consiste en crear equipos para recolectar todo tipo de bolígrafos, rotuladores, marcadores, etc. Participar es muy fácil y totalmente gratuito. Sólo hay que ir a la página y crear una cuenta de usuario. En ese momento ya se puede empezar a recolectar los instrumentos de escritura utilizados.
Do you like Facebook games?
I used to be a Farmville junkie but stopped playing and then I heard about the TerraCycle game! I was so excited, now I love the game and the company!