Posts with term TerraCycle X

BAT pone en marcha en España el primer proyecto de reciclado de residuos de cigarrillos de Europa

British American Tobacco (BAT) pondrá en marcha en España el primer proyecto de reciclado de residuos de cigarrillos de Europa con el fin de que puedan ser reutilizados como materia prima en la producción de materiales y elementos que tengan una nueva vida útil, ha informado este lunes la compañía tabaquera. Así, la ceniza y los residuos de tabaco se convertirán en fertilizantes y abonos naturales para la agricultura; el papel que rodea al filtro en nuevo papel o cartón reciclado; y el filtro, en elementos plásticos de uso industrial como palés, o de uso cotidiano como carcasas de bolígrafos o nuevos embalajes.

BAT pone en marcha en España el primer proyecto de reciclado de residuos de cigarrillos de Europa

British American Tobacco (BAT) pondrá en marcha en España el primer proyecto de reciclado de residuos de cigarrillos de Europa con el fin de que puedan ser reutilizados como materia prima en la producción de materiales y elementos que tengan una nueva vida útil, ha informado este lunes la compañía tabaquera.

La collecte des stylos

La SPA de Cornouaille se lance dans le collecte de stylos, avec l'entreprise TerraCycle, spécialisée dans le recyclage. Cela permet au refuge de participer à une opération citoyenne tout en récoltant quelques deniers qui aideront à faire vivre le refuge.

BAT lanza una campaña pionera en Europa para reciclar residuos de cigarrillos

Madrid, 5 nov (EFEAGRO).- La filial española de British American Tobacco (BAT) ha desarrollado un proyecto de reciclado de residuos de cigarrillos, pionero en Europa, que se pondrá en marcha durante los próximos tres meses con los fumadores del edificio madrileño de Torre Espacio, donde trabajan diariamente cerca de 2.500 personas. En un comunicado, BAT ha informado de que esta iniciativa, denominada "Apaga y recicla" la pondrá en marcha la filial española de la multinacional TerraCycle, que ha diseñado una metodología para reciclar los residuos de los cigarrillos y ya la ha aplicado en Estados Unidos y Canadá.

TerraCycle Gift Bags

What do you think of this week's spotlight crafts? Do you have a favorite? Pieces Together Plaque Craft - Kelly explains how to make a unique gift using crafts sticks and puzzle pieces. M & M Candy Wrapper Gift Bag Craft - Follow these instructions, provided by TerraCycle, and learn how easy it is to recycle your empty candy wrappers into a fun gift bag.


It's A Wrap: TerraCycle and Mars Co-Produce Plan to Stop Flow of Candy Packaging Into Landfills

Some of us are feeling a tad guilty about eating the kids' Halloween treats. Well, here's a way to atone -- we can recycle all those candy wrappers through an ongoing partnership between Mars candy and the eco-friendly company TerraCycle. "It's a free collection program for all kinds of candy wrappers, regardless of brands, regardless of type," said TerraCycle public relations manager Stacey Krauss. In a phone interview, Krauss told us how easy it is to help both the planet and the charity of your choice by joining the "candy wrapper brigade." Simply sign up on the TerraCycle website and designate which nonprofit you would like to receive the funds or points earned.

How Entrepreneurship Can Save Our Planet

Keynote Speaker: Tom Szaky Tom Szaky, 29, is the Founder and CEO of Terracycle, Inc., one of the world's foremost leaders in eco-capitalism and upcycling. He is the founder of the world's very first product made from and packaged in waste. These are the first consumer products to earn the right to carry the Zerofootprint seal. In 2006, Inc. Magazine named TerraCycle "The Coolest Little Startup In America" and in that same year, Tom was named the "#1 CEO in America Under 30." He has been nominated by Forbes Magazine as one of the 30 top social entrepreneurs. His idea has been named one of the 100 Brilliant Ideas in 2010 and received the EcoVisionary Award for the Green Business League. He has been featured on CNBC, Fast Company, and on a National Geographic mini-series. He often contributes to the New York Times You're The Boss Blog. Born in Budapest, Hungary, Tom emigrated with his family as political refugees from Hungary to Holland and eventually to Canada. He founded Terracycle in a crowded basement of an old office building in Princeton. He began selling the little-known worm poop fertilizer to Home Depot and Walmart. Today, over 70,000 organizations have helped collect over 2 billion pre- and post-consumer wrappers and the company's revenues amount to over $13 million.