Looking for a fun DIY craft you can do with your little ones? Try out these 3 easy ways to upcycle your Whole Kids packaging with just a few materials.
If you are interested in recycling your snack packaging to raise money for your school or local charity, please check out our
Whole Kids Pouch & Snack Brigade with TerraCycle.
Bliv inspireret af TerraCycles påske gør-det-selv. Den kan ses her på Bettina Holsts blog og TerraCycles hjemmeside her: http://www.terracycle.dk/da/pages/gor-det-selv-projekter.html
God fornøjelse!
...er sloganet bag firmaet
TerraCycle. De arbejder for at skrotte idéen om skrald og opfordrer i stedet til at man gør brug af det skrald, der kan bruges eller indsender det, der ikke kan. På deres hjemmeside kan man læse meget mere om hvordan man kan være med til at skrotte idéen om skrald og hvad der kan komme ud af det. Fx blev jeg spurgt om jeg ville afprøve en af deres
gør-det-selv projekter, og det ville jeg selvfølgelig gerne. Med julen for døren har jeg valgt gavesløjfen.
If you think gift wrap made from materials you have lying around the house or in the recycling bin look tacky and cheap, think again.
Leave it to Martha Stewart to show us how elegant gifts wrapped in castoffs can be. Check out her tips to make gift wrap by layering paper of different colors and textures – old maps, newspapers, wallpaper and grocery bags – or to dress up wrapping paper made of old shopping bags with a DIY wine cork stamp. She even includes instructions on turning a potato chip bag into shiny and stylish wrapping paper.
Nettet er fyldt med rigtig mange gode vejledninger til projekter. Genbrugsområdet er ingen undtagelse. Den verdensomspændende virksomhed Terracycle har på deres danske hjemmeside lagt en masse dejlige trin-for-trin vejledninger til fremstilling af alt fra hårspænder til servietringe og alternative gavesløjfer.
At the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City, a pop up shop has taken over the space at 8th Avenue and 41st Street. This once empty retail space is now home to
Green Up Shop.
This innovative store will feature TerraCycle’s full line of over 100 products literally made from common waste materials such as chip bags, food wrappers, yogurt cups, glue bottles and writing instruments.
In addition to selling its affordable, fun products made from waste, TerraCycle will use the space to collect over 30 different non-recyclable items, turning the store into the world’s largest upcycling center. Consumers who drop off waste will be given a discount on the products they purchase at the Shop.