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Újrahasznosítás, az új világnyelv

Recycling, upcycling, reuse: olyan kifejezések, amit egy magát kicsit is trendinek és tudatosnak tartó városlakó biztosan ismer, beszélje a világ bármelyik nyelvét. Az újrahasznosítás legnagyobb úttörői közt tartják számon a magyar származású, USA-ban ténykedő Tom Szaky-t, akinek cége, a TerraCycle a leglehetetlenebb hulladékokat is összegyűjti és újrahasznosítja. A kezdeményezésnek köszönhetően eddig több mint másfél millió egységnyi összegyűjtött szemét került jó helyre Magyarországon.

Co-op's TerraCycle program benefits nonprofits

The Los Alamos Co-op Market’s TerraCycle program raised $405 for local nonprofits over the past year, which benefited Pajarito Environmental Education Center and the Friends of the Shelter. PEEC received $135, while FOS received $270. Each year the Co-op invites customers, staff and volunteers to vote for recipients of the TerraCycle funds. TerraCycle, a company seeking to eliminate the idea of waste, turns items previously considered trash into desirable products including park benches and hand bags. The Co-op’s TerraCycle program accepts items such as chip bags, cereal bags or cereal box liners and baby food pouches. Glass items can also be recycled separately at the Co-op. For more information on the Co-op or the TerraCycle program, call 695-1579 or visit losalamos.coop.

Trash is an outdated concept

Empty chip bags, old toothbrushes and dried-out makeup: their days of going into the garbage are gone. The Oregon Department of Corrections is partnering with Terracycle, a New Jersey-based innovative recycling company, to kick-start unconventional recycling programs in the state prison system. Together, the prisons have collected more than 108,000 chip bags, keeping 1,300 pounds out of landfills and instead recycling them into bulk plastics through Terracycle’s Brigades programs. For each unit of trash — now recycling — donated to Terracycle, the company will award points that convert into donations for schools and charities. ODOC won the Recycler of the Year award from the group Mid-Valley Green Awards for conserving water and energy and recycling ballistic vests, metal, shoes, and flourescent light bulbs. In 2011, Terracycle collected old flip-flops—enough to donate the recycled rubber to four school playgrounds. In 2012, the company started the world’s first cigarette butt recycling program.

Lewis Frasier FLBA champions recycling

Lewis Frasier Middle School’s Future Business Leaders of America has teamed up with Terracycle for the 2013-14 school year to promote recycling in the school and community. FBLA members and their adviser collect and sort items for recycling to help eliminate waste. The organization targets plastic bottles, aluminum cans, drink pouches and potato-chip bags. The items later are redeemed for prizes for the school.

Csikkből készülhet a raklap

Az év végére már több mint hetven vendéglátóhely (étterem, romkocsma, bár), szálloda és iroda csatlakozott országszerte a TerraCycle legfrissebb akciójához, a cigarettacsikk-gyűjtéshez: a dohányhulladékot környezetbarát módon újrahasznosítják. A programban leginkább vendéglátó-ipari helyek vehetnek részt, magánszemélyek csak úgy, ha a cigarettahulladékot elviszik a gyűjtőpontokra. Az akció célja az, hogy minél kevesebben szennyezzék a környezetüket.

SGA update: sustainability to take center stage

The environment and humanitarian efforts took center stage at last week’s Student Government Association meeting.Marist prides itself on its sustainability efforts and community service, and SGA plans to continue to develop that reputation through new initiatives and committees. One of the committee’s plans includes the formation of a TerraCycle recycling program.