“People are missing out on valuable resources because they’re overlooking what in front of them and writing it off because that’s the old habit.”
Tom Szaky
Terra Cycle, Inc.
MO.com is proud to partner with The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC):
The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only nonprofit organization comprised of the country’s most promising young entrepreneurs. The Y.E.C promotes entrepreneurship as a solution to youth unemployment and underemployment and provides its members with access to tools, mentorship, and resources that support each stage of a business’s development and growth.
TerraCycle, Inc. is an international upcycling company that takes difficult to recycle packaging and turns it into affordable, eco-friendly products. Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle, founded it in 2001. TerraCycle is the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste. TerraCycle works with over 30 major brands in the U.S. (and in a growing number of other countries) to collect used packaging and products (Frito-Lay chip bags, Mars candy wrappers, Capri Sun and Honest Kids juice pouches, pens, toothbrushes, etc.) that would otherwise be destined for landfills.
TerraCycle repurposes that waste into new eco-friendly materials and products that are available online and through major retailers. The waste is collected through TerraCycle’s Brigade programs, which are free fundraisers that pay schools and non-profits for every piece of waste they collect and return.
When you hear “worm poop made him millions” you are left thinking two things. The first is, “Wow!” The second is, “Yeah, it’s simple, but I probably never would of thought of using worm castings as a natural fertilizer….” But Tom Szaky, in a tale of true entrepreneurialism, did. And in 2001, he dropped out of Princeton to build this eco-friendly business he named Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.com/> .
When we spoke to Szaky three years ago in our first Young Guns segment he was already making more than $6 million in revenue annually. True to the company’s recyclable premise, the product was sold in used soda bottles, and it made its way onto shelves at big-name stores like Lowe’s (LOW <
http://quote.foxbusiness.com/symbol/LOW/snapshot> : 19.18, -0.74, -3.71%) and Home Depot <
http://www.foxbusiness.com/topics/business/companies/home-depot.htm> (HD <
http://quote.foxbusiness.com/symbol/HD/snapshot> : 33.84, -0.97, -2.79%). Terracycle was also just starting to branch out into creating other products from waste, from backpacks made from chip bags to totes made from Capri Sun juice pouches.
Article in mainstream Romanian newspaper detailing TerraCycle’s recycling and TerraCycle’s design work (featuring Tiffany Threadgould!).
Outro foco da Nestlé dentro dessa temática é a iniciativa em conjunto com a Terracycle, líder global na coleta e reuso de resíduos pós-consumo. Por meio desta ação, já foram arrecadas quase meio milhão de embalagens de chocolates, biscoitos e café (saches) desde o início da parceria, há menos de um ano.
A ampliação da parceria vai incentivar a coleta de embalagens de café (sachês) e de biscoitos pós-consumo. O objetivo é dar um destino sustentável a esses materiais, permitindo que sejam reaproveitados na fabricação de novos produtos, como bolsas, sacolas, mochilas, estojos, utensílios para cozinha, vasos de plantas, displays de ponto de venda, entre outros. Os itens serão comercializados pela TerraCycle no e-commerce do Wal-Mart e no site da Gift Express.
As embalagens recolhidas também vão gerar receita para instituições sociais. Para participar do programa, os interessados devem se cadastrar pelo site da TerraCycle (
www.terracycle.com.br) na Brigada Biscoiteiros Nestlé ou na Brigada Nescafé e preencher os dados da entidade que receberá a doação ou escolher uma entre as já cadastradas. Depois, basta passar a enviar para a TerraCycle as embalagens recolhidas (mínimo de 100 por remessa).
Novas brigadas vão permitir que as embalagens de biscoitos e de cafés (sachês) também possam ser reaproveitadas na fabricação de novos produtos.
Nestlé e a
TerraCycle, líder global na coleta e reuso de resíduos pós-consumo, acabam de ampliar sua parceria para a transformação de embalagens, com a criação de duas novas frentes de coleta: a Brigada Biscoiteiros Nestlé e a Brigada NESCAFÉ. A iniciativa reforça o trabalho iniciado com a Brigada Nestlé Chocolover, que já registrou até o momento mais de 145 mil embalagens arrecadadas.
Novas brigadas vão permitir que as embalagens de biscoitos e de cafés (sachês) também possam ser reaproveitadas na fabricação de novos produtos