Posts with term Nestle X

Indsaml skrald til genanvendelse

TerraCycles mål er at skrotte idéen om skrald ved at oprette indsamlingsprogrammer for affald, som er svært at genbruge. Det indsamlede affald bliver så opgraderet til nye og spændende produkter og materialer, fra parkbænke lavet af genbrugt plastik til bæreposer, tasker, notesbøger, penalhuse, højtalere, legetøj, bænke, vandkander, urtepotter, havefliser, skraldespande og meget mere lavet af genanvendt emballage. Produkterne kan i øjeblikket købes i USA, Frankrig samt Storbritannien.

Lixo patrocinado: sustentabilidade alcança o Upcycle

Nos últimos 10 anos, a TerraCycle®, pioneira no processo chamado de “upcycling”, tem estabelecido parceria com grandes empresas globais para criar uma maneira inovadora de coletar e reusar embalagens de difícil reciclabilidade que tem como destino final os aterros sanitários. No Brasil, a TerraCycle atua há um ano e nove meses e tem parceria com as marcas como Nestlé, Kraft Foods, PepsiCo, BRFoods e Suzano.

TerraCycle Company Makes Products Out of Trash

Are you looking for a great earth-friendly gift for your friends and family? Well a backpack made out of juice pouches, or a wallet made out of candy wrappers would be perfect for this holiday season. Lucky for you, TerraCycle makes those kind of products. TerraCycle is a company that diverts trash from landfills and creates new products out of it. Terra means earth, so TerraCycle is earth-cycling. TerraCyclewas founded in 2006 by Tom Szaky, 29. It all started in college when Tom and his friends started feeding the leftovers from their cafeteria to worms, and selling liquid worm poop in used bottles at hardware stores. Since then, they have grown to become "one of the fastest growing eco-friendly manufacturers in the world." In only three years, more than 20 million people are helping to collect trash in more than 70 thousand worldwide locations. In 2006, Inc. Magazine named TerraCycle "The Coolest Little Start-Up in America!"