Whether you were in one of the PTA groups in question or the recipient being hassled by them for your trash (i.e.: empty juice pouches, snack wrappers, etc.) for the past year, all of that pestering and collecting of non-recyclable waste has finally payed off. That trash has been turned into some very useful products by
TerraCycleand they’re now available in every
Walmart in the US throughout the month of April!
The 40th Anniversary of Earth day has rumbled some excitement among our “
big box” manufacturers and retailers; finally we have huge companies like Kraft and Walmart getting in tow with small upcycling companies, namely TerraCycle, to close the life cycle loop of items destined for the landfill.
Those cute little Capri Sun purses and pencil cases you see in boutiques and Target, come from the juice pouches your little ones drink! Don't throw those pouches away, your school can get 2 cents a pouch! Totally awesome right?
Now I will admit it can get a little messy, as I am the one in charge of cleaning them, but it is well worth it in the end:
1. We bring in cash for new school supplies
2. We are making the earth a little cleaner.
Go to your school's PTA and ask if your school is a part of the Terra-cycle program.
New to the Terra-cycle program is the Elmer's Glue Crew! Which come on, what school doesn't use a lot of Elmer's Glue? And at 2 cents a container! WOW! Find out more here!
The best part of the Terra-cycle program is you can get your whole family involved!
TerraCycle has NEW products available at all US Walmart stores for the month of April (and only the month of april) in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day .
While some of us may or may not like big box stores Walmart is trying to join the eco-friendly world by providing products that are better for all of us. Yippee.
A couple months ago, I setup a
TerraCycle Juice Pouch Brigade at our church to collect and
upcycle juice pouches. This is a real win-win idea as it provides money for non-profit organizations and diverts reusable materials from the landfill. It is also a great project to involve the kids since they are the biggest consumer of
juice pouch beverages like Capri Sun.
WOW!! This is so exciting!! After months of collecting, sorting, packaging and mailing, we are getting a chance to see the products that all the trash is being turned into at our local WalMart. Now to see if it is a success. You can help make it a success by stopping by your local WalMart and purchasing one of these great new products. Listed below are all the details of what is available in most stores. Show your support of your schools and purchase a bag. ALSO there is a way to turn the dollars you spent buying to also support your school. Save your receipt and contact your schools TerraCycle representative to learn how.
Teachers at Palmetto Elementary School used to see a lot of used drink pouches get thrown away. Now they earn two cents for every one of those pouches they collect and return to a company called TerraCycle, who uses their non-recyclable waste to make affordable, eco-friendly products. This school year so far, the enthusiastic students at Palmetto have diverted over 15,500 pieces of waste from going into a landfill and this has earned their school over $300!
“We found the Brigades to be a great opportunity to teach our students about recycling as well as help raise money for our school,” said Cindy Stavisky, the teacher who signed the school up for the program. “With the money we earn, we are going to rebuild our Pre-K playground, making it more accessible for all students as well as an advanced educational environment!”
The school is part of a free nationwide program called “Brigades®’ that pays schools and non-profits to collect non-recyclable waste that would otherwise go to landfill. Now the programs are coming full circle back to Orlando through an exciting partnership with local WalmartÒ locations.
With hundreds of students eating lunch every day, the teachers at Walker Elementary School used to see a lot of used drink pouches get thrown away. Now they earn two cents for every one of those pouches they collect and return to a company called, TerraCycle, who uses their non-recyclable waste to make affordable, eco-friendly products. This school year, the enthusiastic students at Walker have diverted nearly 4,000 pieces of waste from going into the landfills. “I have always been a big advocate of recycling and think this program is great.” said Lois Bradley, the P.E. teacher who signed the school up for the program. “I teach at a K-1 school that has snack each day. As part of our policy individually wrapped items are required for parents to send in for snack. I noticed that a lot of students were drinking Capri Sun drinks, and decided to sign up for the drink brigade.”
A few months back here at Bay Area Bags, I featured billboard bags from terracyle.net and I bet most of us were amazed of how creative these people are. And for the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, again they are here to surprises us with a lot of new releases that people from all ages would enjoy.
all products will be co-displayed with the original products from which they are made. So notebooks, pencil cases and lunch boxes made from Mars candy wrappers will be displayed with bars of the popular candies and backpacks made from Capri Sun drink pouches will be displayed with boxes of Capri Sun juice! The items are made from the same wrappers that will cover the very food they may hold. All come with trim and handles which match the original logos product. These bags are absolutely as fun and fashionable as they are eco-friendly! Walmart has agreed to carry TerraCycle products in their seasonal section ONLY for the month of April. So we got to hurry and check them out. Visit terracycle.net for complete details.
Starting April 5th, and for a limited time only during the month of April, about 60 TerraCycle items, including a bunch of brand new things never seen before, will be available in every single Wal-Mart across the country (3,500 locations) in honor of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day this year. The products will be sold right next to the original items they are made from. Kites made from Cheetos wrappers will be sold with bags of Frito-Lay chips and backpacks made from drink pouches will be sold next to boxes of Capri Sun. This will help educate consumers about resource conservation and give millions of students who participate in TerraCycle’s Brigades, an opportunity to see their collection efforts come to life!