Spenden durch Recycling - Das Quetschbeutel-Recycling-Programm der Frechen Freunde

Das Große Quetschie-Sammeln hat begonnen! Die Frechen Freunde haben das erste Quetschbeutel-Recycling Programm in Deutschland lanciert. Der Hersteller nährwertbewusster Bio-Kindersnacks will künftig zusammen mit seinen Verbrauchern Quetschies ein zweites Leben geben und Verantwortung für das Recycling von Verpackungen aus Verbundstoffen übernehmen. Das Projekt wird zusammen mit dem Recyclingunternehmen TerraCycle umgesetzt.

Procter and Gamble launch national recycling program in Canada

Individuals can now bring any brand of hard-to-recycle air-freshener cartridges or home-cleaning packaging, to designated public collection locations sponsored by P&G's Febreze brand as part of the Air and Home Care Recycling Program with recycling pioneer TerraCycle®. Though technically recyclable, plastic air fresheners, trigger heads and screw caps often end up in landfills due to the high cost of recycling these mixed plastics.

Recycling reused plastic mailing satchels

Australian Post and our partner TerraCycle are now working together to recycle used mailing satchels with the launch of the Australia Post Mailing Satchel Brigade. Returning used mailing satchels to TerraCycle gives the satchels a second life, transforming them into useful new products including play equipment, wallets, bags and recycled plastic containers. The Lock Post Office will have a plastic bag recycling box at the Post Office. By dropping your bags into the Post Office, they will receive two cents per bag to donate to the school.

Five Things You Didn’t Know You Could Recycle

And finally, toothbrushes. Hopefully, you're replacing your toothbrush regularly. But did you know you can recycle your toothbrush...AND it's packaging...AND your toothpaste...AND the toothpaste caps...AND the floss containers?!? Well, thanks to TerraCycle and Colgate you can give new life to all these former pieces of landfill.

Upcycled pet packages make nifty pet products

Upcycled pet food packages are being turned into dog collars - really. And not just because your little Fido gnawed the bag into something resembling a mangled plastic Frisbee (or perhaps that was an actual Frisbee?) Thanks to Wellness Natural Pet Food – the first pet food brand to partner with recycler TerraCycle – pet owners can upcycle their pet’s food packaging into something new and useable, from collars to totes to, heck, even chairs.