Le cœur du modèle de TERRACYCLE consiste à organiser des programmes de collecte et de recyclage de déchets spécifiques, sponsorisés par les marques qui ont fabriqué les produits en question. En bout de chaîne, ces matériaux réputés « non-recyclables » sont valorisés sous forme de nouveaux produits de consommation courante ou deviennent des matériaux de fabrication, dans une double logique d'économie circulaire et d'objectif zéro déchet.
Si quieres que tu forma de cuidarte tenga el menor impacto basta con adoptar nuevas costumbres y utilizar marcas y productos más comprometidos.
TerraCycle, compañía especializada en el tratamiento de residuos difíciles de reciclar, nos aconseja cinco trucos muy sencillos para hacer las rutinas de belleza más ecofriendly.
Pero el refill no es la única acción de L’Occitane en este sentido. La marca está trabajando para que de aquí a 2025
todas las tiendas de España ofrezcan servicio de reciclaje (
por ahora disponible solo en algunas) y también colabora con
TerraCycle para procesar los envases difíciles de reciclar.
Es importante seguir una serie de consejos para tratar de minimizar el impacto en el planeta de nuestros productos cosméticos.
Por eso, los expertos de TerraCycle, compañía especializada en el tratamiento de residuos difíciles de reciclar, propone 5 trucos muy sencillos para hacer las rutinas de belleza más respetuosas con el medio ambiente.
TerraCycle specialises in providing solutions for hard-to-recycle products, working with a range of partners globally to eliminate the idea of waste. In Scotland alone, the organisation has 355 public drop-off sites across its programmes. Here, Julien Tremblin, general manager of TerraCycle Europe, tells Packaging Scotland about the organisation’s history, greatest achievements to date, and long-term aspirations.
Les produits de beauté tout moisis qui encombrent la salle de bains, c’est fini ! Voici comment trier et recycler tout ça.
Récemment, l’entreprise
TerraCycle a installé des bornes de recyclage dans 140 magasins Monoprix en France afin de collecter les produits de maquillage, déodorants, pots en plastique, emballages souples de lingettes ou recharges, dentifrices mais aussi brosses à dents manuelles, têtes de brosse à dents électriques et enfin rasoirs et lames usagés de toutes marques.
For Marie Videau, Group General Manager for Research and Development at L’OCCITANE, the company serves two clients, consumers and nature.
How can the travel retail industry reduce packaging waste?
There are two main options – either reducing or eliminating waste. One way is with dissolvable packaging or simply by reducing plastic use. It is idealistic to think that we can totally suppress plastic, but we can reduce and recycle it. We work with TerraCycle which recycles waste into new products and cooperate with new entities such as Carbios that offers enzymatic recycling of plastic.
Ideally, we’d head to one shop and find gifts for everyone. And with
L’OCCITANE Christmas Gifts, there are great ideas for everyone you’re buying for, both in-store and online – whatever your budget. And because L’OCCITANE has always been committed to recycling and keeping nature free from pollution, you know that sustainability is a priority: you’ll find eco-refills and recyclable packaging, plus TerraCycle recycling facilities in all Irish stores for your beauty empties (from any brand). You’ll even find a reusable wrapping bag (€3).
Now, brands like Garnier, Maybelline, Kiehl's and L'Occitane are working with recycling company
TerraCycle to create drop-off points (you can usually find them in supermarkets) for your beauty empties, with some exceptions such as aerosol cans, perfume bottles, nail polish bottles, and nail polish remover bottles.

- The beauty industry produces 120 billion units of packaging per year.
- In an effort to combat this, companies have recently been doubling down on sustainable packaging.
- Below, we round up 18 beauty companies that offer reusable or recyclable packaging.
- Each year, the beauty industry produces more than 120 billion units of packaging — "95% [of which] is thrown out after one use," said Yolanda Cooper, founder of skincare brand We Are Paradoxx, during a recent webinar to mark her Plastic Free Beauty Day initiative.
Luckily, many brands are adopting environmentally-friendly initiatives that are already helping consumers engage in more responsible purchasing and disposal decisions. TerraCycle, for example, partners with companies such as Burt's Bees, L'Occitane, eos, and Living Proof (to name but a few) to recycle beauty packaging that isn't typically accepted curbside. Meanwhile, Loop offers a refill service for brands such as REN, Dermalogica, and Puretto, professionally cleaning the (typically aluminum-based) packaging before topping up your favorite products and shipping them back out to you.
However, experts agree that for significant and long-lasting transitions to occur within the industry, companies themselves need to initiate changes — and, fortunately, some are already making strides in doing so. From big to small, here are 17 personal care brands doing their bit in the world of sustainable packaging.