Earth Day Challenge

77% of families own a tube of Neosporin. But when was the last time you checked its expiration dates? Seeing as today is Earth Day, it's the perfect time to go through your medicine cabinet and recycle anything that's expired. An awesome organization called Terracycle will make goodies like notebooks and clipboards, through an amazing program called the Neosporin Tube Brigade.

Greening Mainstream, One Big Box at a Time

Imagine you're going into a big box store. I know, a far fetched scenario for some of you reading, but play along with me here. In them, there's usually that section: The seasonal one with Christmas lights in winter, beach balls in summer. You know the one. Now imagine if it had upcycled and eco-friendly products, displayed next to the product whose packaging was used to make that product. And it had information telling people all about this. An entire section, prominently placed, educating consumers and shifting people's minds about the ease of living more sustainably, and the part they could play in doing that. Far fetched you say? A reality, right now, I say. In Walmart's Hot Spot section. A huge selection of what we create, right next to what we collect via our Brigades to make it. This month Walmarts across the country will have what they're calling Earth Zone. That a store of this size, reach, and impact is choosing to do this is huge. Say what you will about Walmart, but all our talk about becoming a greener society comes down to making it as easy as possible for people to see themselves doing it. Making it normal. Making it an enjoyable experience. Earth Zone does all of that. Beyond Walmart, beyond TerraCycle, this excites me.

Recycling's modest reward

A Capri Sun juice pouch does not seem big enough to hold anything but juice. Lincoln Elementary students think differently. They're using old Capri Suns pouches to turn into purses and help the environment while they do it. Students at Lincoln are participating in Terracycle Brigades, a nationwide program that pays schools and non-profit organizations to collect non-recyclable waste that would otherwise go to a landfill, according to a press release.

TRASH TO CASH: Program lets Spencer Borden kids profit from nonrecyclables

Lindsay Hetzler discovered a way to turn her daughter Lorelei’s favorite drink into money for her school. By her account, Hetzler buys “a ton” of Capri Sun juice boxes for her family. Last fall while reading the back of one of the drink pouches, Hetzler learned about TerraCycle, a New Jersey-based company that makes eco-friendly products from a wide range of nonrecyclable waste materials. She learned about a free nationwide program offered by TerraCycle called “Brigades” where you can earn money for your school or nonprofit organization by collecting nonrecyclable items and mailing them to the company.

TerraCycle Products Available at Walmart

elp our school by saving your drink pouches, candy wrappers, protein bar wrappers,Frito Lays chip bags, yogurt containers (must stack), and cookie wrappers.  We earn money for your trash!!!!

There are new TerraCycle products
- The products are available in every Walmart across the United States (only)
- The products are available during the month of April (only), in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day this year

Now the products we have saved are being turned into useful products that are available at WalMart in the the month of April.  I purchased mine and you can get yours too!

New TerraCycle Products in Walmart between April 5th and April 29th

A whole bunch of brand new TerraCycle items will be available, during April for a limited time only, at every single Walmart across the country. Starting April 5th, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be sold right next to the original items they were made from. Cheetos kites and tote bags made from Frito-Lay wrappers will be sold with bags of Frito-Lay chips, while notebooks and purses made out of skittles and M&M wrappers will be sold right next to bags of Mars Candy!