Recycle Everything – Recycling Tips

TerraCycle makes affordable, eco-friendly products from a wide range of different non-recyclable waste materials. Capri Sun – Honest Kids juice pouches can be recycled by Terracycle as can Candy Wrappers, Starbucks Coffee bags, Zip Loc Bags, pens, Cookie Wrappers, Colgate toothpaste, and more. Yes this is more involved, so try to get your local community or school involved.

BIC lanciert Öko-Feigenblatt

Der Wegwerfstifte-Hersteller BIC und das Recyclingunternehmen Terracycle wollen SchülerInnen dazu animieren, leere Kugelschreiber, Filzstifte, Fineliner und Leuchtstifte nicht in den Hauskehricht zu werfen, sondern fürs Recycling zu sammeln. Als so genannte «Stiftebrigade » kann sich eine Schülergruppe registrieren und erhält eine Etikette für das kostenlose Einsenden, wobei es pro Paket mindestens 500 Stifte sein sollen. Der Kunststoff wird dann zu Giesskannen oder Stiftehaltern verarbeitet. Zudem überweist die Firma pro Stift zwei Eurocent an eine gemeinnützige Organisation. Statt umweltschädliche Wegwerfschreiber mit einem umständlichen Recycling etwas grüner zu gestalten, ist es jedoch weit sinnvoller, auf qualitativ hochstehende Mehrwegschreiber zu wechseln – allerdings verdient BIC daran nichts.

TerraCycle’s Mission to Eliminate Waste

Tom Szaky was just a Princeton freshman when he discovered a treasure in an unlikely place: behind the university dining hall. The short version of the story is that Szaky discovered that the organic waste produced in the dining hall could be naturally composted by worms and turned into fertilizer. When Szaky started packaging this fertilizer in used soda bottles, he began producing the first product made entirely from waste. As a result of this discovery, Szaky began a school program that teaches younger generations to change their habits and rethink the way they view waste. Instead of immediately throwing something aside – they should think, “What can I do with this? Can I make something out of this?” Forget about having reusable items sit in a landfill; you can get creative and sew juice pouches together to make a pencil case or iron shopping bags to make a tote.

Be Safe and “Green” this holiday weekend!

Be Green We were so excited to be contacted by TerraCycle to inform you of the opportunity to help your local community and environment while celebrating July 4th. At Birmingham Holiday Examiner, we are passionate about our environment and our community. As we prepare for outdoor fun and feasts, remember that there is another option for your trash and waste. TerraCycle aims to change our idea of waste by teaching us that much of what we determine as useless waste can benefit us all as a recycled item. The great thing about TerraCycle is that you can recycle these items for absolutely free. They provide boxes and labeling so you can just mail your contributions directly to them.

Parceria Nestlé e TerraCycle

A Nestlé e a TerraCycle, líder global na coleta e reuso de resíduos pós-consumo, acabam de ampliar sua parceria para a transformação de embalagens, com a criação de duas novas frentes de coleta: a Brigada Biscoiteiros Nestlé e a Brigada NESCAFÉ. A iniciativa reforça o trabalho iniciado com a Brigada Nestlé Chocolover, que já registrou até o momento mais de 145 mil embalagens arrecadadas.