Nestlé fecha parceria para reaproveitar embalagens de café e biscoito

Nestlé e a TerraCycle, empresa especializada na coleta e reuso de resíduos pós-consumo, acabam de ampliar sua parceria para a transformação de embalagens, com a criação de duas novas frentes de coleta: a Brigada Biscoiteiros Nestlé e a Brigada NESCAFÉ. A iniciativa vem reforçar o trabalho iniciado com a Brigada Nestlé Chocolover, que já registrou até o momento mais de 145 mil embalagens arrecadadas.

Summer Celebrations Are an Extra Opportunity to Recycle

TRENTON, N.J., May 23, 2011 – Summer is the season for outdoor parties and picnics, and it’s important to take care of the outdoors as you are enjoying it. Instead of filling up your trash can with empty food wrappers and plastic cups after guests leave, you can reuse the packaging yourself or send the waste to TerraCycle, where you can earn money for your favorite charity and keep things out of the local landfill at the same time. Terracycle, an innovative upcycling and recycling company, partners with brands such as Frito-Lay, Nabisco, Kraft Cheese, Solo and Scott to reduce the amount of wast being thrown away. Some of the wrappers can also be used for do-it-yourself projects. An easy , crafty summer project is the do-it-yourself chip bowl, which can be made from a Frito-Lay chip bag, and then used for your next party! Or, you can turn your used Solo cups into herb planters for the porch or kitchen. For those who'd prefer to send their waste back to TerraCycle, they'll earn two cents per item for a charity of their choice.


The North Face in Peabody, a supplier of outdoor apparel, equipment and footwear, has partnered with upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle to keep plastic polybags, used to protect apparel through distribution and transit, out of landfills. "The North Face Polybag Brigade" will divert 100 percent of the polybag packaging waste at the 20 The North Face retail stores in the United States where #4 plastic bags are not readily recyclable.

Campaña para recolección de tubos de crema dental

Colgate lanza una innovadora iniciativa en beneficio del medio ambiente para promover, a nivel nacional, la recolección, el reciclaje y reutilización de tubos de crema dental, cepillos de dientes y los empaques primarios de ambos. En el marco de su estrategia institucional de sustentabilidad, Colgate inició su programa de “Brigadas de Cuidado Bucal Colgate” en alianza con TerraCycle, empresa dedicada a la recolección, reconversión y reciclaje de materiales sólidos. Una “Brigada de Cuidado Bucal Colgate” es un equipo de recolección a través del cual se acopiarán tubos de crema dental vacíos, cepillos de dientes usados y los empaques primarios de ambos para ser enviados a TerraCycle quien les dará una segunda vida a través del reciclaje o la conversión a nuevos productos revalorados. Por cada unidad recolectada, Colgate donará $0.25 centavos de peso a la escuela u organización de la sociedad civil seleccionada por cada “Brigada de Cuidado Bucal Colgate”.

Rock Roundup: The Latest From Council

Welcome back to Rock Roundup, when we take a look back at Council Rock community happenings and give a sneak peek into what's coming up on the calendar. Here's the latest from Council Rock: Newtown Elementary School TerraCycle is a private business headquartered in Trenton, NJ.. which specializes in making consumer products from post-consumer materials, often reusing waste materials that are otherwise difficult to recycle. The Newtown Elementary School community collected close to 20,000 items for TerraCycle recycling during the 2010-2011 school year.

Överlista skräpet med TerraCycle

Men trots att vi kan sortera så mycket, är det vissa saker som inte går att återvinna och vissa grejer som är svårare att sortera än andra. Men här kommer Terracycle in i bilden och tar glatt emot dina sopor. De vill visserligen inte ha vad som helst, utan är fokuserade på några få produkter, som de kallar för olika ”brigader”. Men förhoppningsvis kan de utöka sina brigader ju fler vi är som skickar in skräp.