Looking for alternative recycling? Check out Terracycle!

Ever wonder about how much waste comes from the packaging that covers many of the items you bring home from the grocery store? If we recycle so many items, why is it that we do not recycle these other plastics and packaging materials? Terracycle is a company that caters to local communities, including the South Bend and surrounding areas. They take non-recyclable trash, and turn it into something that can be used again. Packaging that may not seem to be recyclable can be. Terracycle has partnered with Frito-Lay, Kraft Cheese, Solo, and Scott to reduce the amount of waste being thrown away. With the weather being warmer, many are having outdoor picnics and many of the food items people bring to such events are just thrown away, destined for our already overflowing landfills. Terracycle offers a way to get rid of your waste responsibly.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Una segunda vida para los bolígrafos y materiales de escritura

Hoy por hoy casi todos los residuos del material que usas para escribir, en principio, se destinan al vertedero. Los bolígrafos y parecidos no están integrados al sistema de recogida que lleva el logotipo "punto verde" para su reciclaje.  Una alternativa para aprovechar esta valiosa basura plástica lo ha conseguido el proyecto de TerraCycle junto con la marca BIC. El proyecto es una campaña de recogida de bolígrafos que se puede iniciar en cualquier centro de trabajo, incluidos colegios y escuelas, en cualquier caja, una vez llena se llama a TerraClycle para que recojan y envíen a darle una solución sostenible generando nuevos productos. Por cada bolígrafo se suman 0,2 euros que se pueden donar a otras iniciativas sostenibles.

The Jack and Adam's Bicycle Re-Cycle Project

It is always very exciting to post about good things that are happening the bicycle world, and today's article is even more exciting because it deals with cycling, the environment, and hometown Austin goodness. Jack and Adams are good friends of ours over here at Please BE KIND to Cyclists and they have now launched a Bicycle Re-Cycle Project. They are now an official collection station for TerraCycle (the leading trash to treasure recycling company). Here's the way it works....Jack and Adams collect energy bar wrappers and then they send these along to TerraCycle so they can be turned into goods such as coin purses and bags. Pretty cool, huh? It gets even better. The articles that are made are then used to earn money for non-profit organizations that are chosen by Jack and Adams. Now here's the best part. Jack and Adams have chosen Please BE KIND to Cyclists as the beneficiary for this program and will donate all the money raised through their efforts with TerraCycle recycling.