BIC y Terra Cicle lanzan un programa de recogida y reciclaje de instrumentos de escritura en España.

La compañía fabricante de bolígrafos BIC y TerraCycle han lanzado una campaña para promover la recogida y reciclaje de instrumentos de escritura en los colegios, universidades y empresas de toda España, según han informado las entidades. Además, por cada instrumento que recolecten los centros educativos, se donarán dos céntimos de euro para proyectos internos o para la asociación y orgnización benéfica elegida por cada uno de los centros que participen. Los centros interesados en participar en la campaña deben registrarse en la página 'www.terracycle.es' donde encontrarán pósters, folletos, etiquetas y otros materiales. Los materiales recogidos se trasladarán a la planta de TerraCucle en donde se seleccionarán y se convertirán en nuevos artículos como estuches, papeleras o regaderas. El director general de BIC Iberia, Gonzalo Barral, ha señalado que es responsabilidad de la empresa "ofrecer nuevas soluciones innovadoras cuando termina la vida útil de los instrumentos de escritura, que gracias al programa de reciclaje tendrán una segunda vida".

Bosch Tassimo T20

Robert, som haft semester och därmed haft mer tillfälle att prova den ordentligt än vad jag har, säger ungefär såhär: “Vissa kaffesorter är väldigt bra (Carte Noir Kenya och Jacob’s Trio) medan andra är lite mindre bra (Gevalia). Det går snabbt att brygga även när man vill göra tre koppar på en gång i kannan. Går att reglera styrkan på kaffet vilket är bra. Enkel att rengöra med rengöringsdiscen. Tassimon gör sig på bänken men är också smidig att ta med sig i t ex husvagnen eller när man ska iväg och besöka någon. Omständigt med de sorter med mjölk eftersom det är två t-discs (kapslar) och det därefter helst ska rengöras. Det blir väldigt mycket skräp av använda t-discs, dock ett stort plus att man kan skicka in dem kostnadsfritt för återvinning.  Även de fulla kapslarna tar stor plats att förvara..

Back to School Green Twitter Party

When: Sunday, August 7th at 8:00 p.m. eastern time Where: On Twitter, we recommend you use TweetGrid to keep up with the party. To learn about using TweetGrid for Twitter parties watch the video at the end of this post. Hashtag: #ecoback2school What is a Hashtag? How to Join: RSVP in the comments with your Twitter name. (You don’t have to RSVP to join in the fun but you can only win a prize if you RSVP) Like our sponsor Ultimate Green Store on Facebook. Follow @Retrohousewife5 and @UltGreenStore Use the #ecoback2school Hashtag in your tweets. Be on Twitter at on August 7th at 8 p.m. eastern time! Sponsor: Prizes: Terracycle Drink Pouch Pencil Case Prang Soybean Blend Biodegradable Crayons Green Apple Eco-friendly Highlighter Pencils And a $25 gift certificate for The Ultimate Green Store! Remember to RSVP below to have a chance to win the prizes above! You also must be present at the party to win. While everyone is welcome to the party the prizes can only be shipped to addresses in the US. How to Use Tweetgrid for a Twitter Party

Första smakprovet

Kristina 26 07 2011 kl 10:52 f m Håller på med det här nu…jobbigt med allt kladd…men kul också! Vi kör med pulvergröt (funkar bra att blanda ihop små små portioner) men jag tror frystärningar funkar precis lika fint. Testade välling i förrgår, gick ner direkt. Kanske kan frystärningarna bli lite torra av att frysas (det blev nåt mos jag gjorde) men då kan du ju späda med ersättning när du mikrar. Vi kör med Ellas kitchen när vi köper mat. Dyra men riktigt bra förpackningar (som kan skickas in för återvinning!) som det inte blir svinn av, särskilt när man är borta nånstans. ....

The Trash Talker: TerraCycle’s VP of Media Relations

Albe Zakes is constantly surrounded by a shrine to garbage. The desks in his office are made from old doors, the walls from soda bottles, and the front showroom covered in recycled Astroturf. The desk dividers are made from vinyl records, and graffiti covers every wall. But considering his job, the workplace makes sense: he’s in charge of media relations for TerraCycle Inc., which sells consumer products made from recycled waste. The company launched in 2001, selling worm poop as fertilizer to retailers like Home Depot and Wal-Mart. Now, TerraCycle recycles items like Frito-Lay chip bags, Clif Bar wrappers, and Capri Sun pouches to create tote bags, iPhone cases, and MP3 speakers.

TerraCycle Eliminate the Idea of Waste Review

I was given the opportunity to work with Megan from TerraCycle and do a product review. I first stumbled across TerraCycle when searching ways to recycle and was drawn in. TerraCycle’s purpose is to eliminate the idea of waste. TerraCycle has created national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste. They have many different Brigades that anyone can join. When you join TerraCycle pick the Brigades that fits your family the most. There are plenty brigades to choose from candy wrapper to digital camera to wine corks. My family is doing the drink pouch brigade. Since my 4 year drink them all day. Whatever one you choose to sign up for all you do is just start collecting the product.

Eco Back-to-School: Make Your PTO/PTA a Greener Organization

Few organizations wield as much power in school districts as parent/teacher organizations. They influence decision-making. They affect morale. They connect people–parents, teachers, administrators, communities. PTO/PTA groups do good things, but Enviro Girl would argue that they can do good things with even greater environmental consciousness. Positioned as PTA president for her kids’ elementary school, she has encouraged changes in how the parent organization and the school does business. It only takes one parent to act as a catalyst for change at their child’s school. Some take on curriculum, others become vigilant soldiers in the war for playground safety, and Enviro Girl has become a one-woman show touting environmental issues at her kids’ school. Below are just a few ways any ordinary person can become an Eco-Superhero and “green” their local PTO/PTA.