Eco Back-to-School: Make Your PTO/PTA a Greener Organization

TerraCycle Include USA
Few organizations wield as much power in school districts as parent/teacher organizations. They influence decision-making. They affect morale. They connect people–parents, teachers, administrators, communities. PTO/PTA groups do good things, but Enviro Girl would argue that they can do good things with even greater environmental consciousness. Positioned as PTA president for her kids’ elementary school, she has encouraged changes in how the parent organization and the school does business. It only takes one parent to act as a catalyst for change at their child’s school. Some take on curriculum, others become vigilant soldiers in the war for playground safety, and Enviro Girl has become a one-woman show touting environmental issues at her kids’ school. Below are just a few ways any ordinary person can become an Eco-Superhero and “green” their local PTO/PTA.