Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Jede Flasche bekommt eine zweite Chance

Ein US-amerikanischer Jungunternehmer hat das Recycling entdeckt. Nun versucht er es in Deutschland

Thorsten Schröder
WASHINGTON. Meterhoch stapelt sich der Müll in der riesigen Halle im kleinen Ort Trenton, New Jersey, eine gute Zugstunde außerhalb von New York. Zwischen zusammen gepressten Getränketüten, Kaffeebechern und Chipstüten gibt es nur schmale Gänge. Aus dem ganzen Land kommen die Lieferungen in der 24000 Quadratmeter großen Halle an. Jeden Tag, die ganze Woche über. Amerika ist das Reich des Mülls, und Tom Szaky ist sein König. Wenn man ihn nach der Geschäftsidee fragt, gibt sich der 28-Jährige bescheiden. "Einerseits sammeln wir Müll, andererseits machen wir daraus neue Produkte."

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.

Outdoor gear: Coolers from recycled packaging

Ozark Trail coolers, a line at Walmart stores, have a hard plastic line made entirely from snack packaging that has been recycled by a company called TerraCycle. The coolers range in size from 6-can to 42-can (on wheels) and range in price from $5.88 to $29.88. Anyone can send in their used wrappers to the company for free and for every piece of packaging that TerraCycle receives, participants are awarded with two points, which can be put toward buying a specific charity gift, or converted to money and donated to a charity of the participant's choice For more information, look at http://www.terracycle.net.