Ressource im Blick - Aus leeren Kugelschreibern werden Gießkannen

Jährlich landen Millionen von Schreibgeräten wie Kugelschreiber und Filzstifte im Abfall. Bisher landete ihre überwiegende Mehrzahl auf Mülldeponien oder in Müllverbrennungsanlagen. Mit einer innovativen Aktion will das Unternehmen Terracycle dafür sorgen, dass Stifte und Schreibzeug vermehrt recyclet werden. Um dies zu erreichen, sollen Schreibwerkzeuge in Schulen, Büros und Vereinen gesammelt und an die Recyclingfirma gesendet werden.

Garnier & TerraCycle Recycle Packages

TerraCycle and Garnier have teamed up to create a second life for empty cosmetic containers. Under the “Personal Care and Beauty Brigade” plan consumers can send in their used personal care or beauty product packaging and TerraCycle will upcycle the material into fun and innovative products, according to the companies. For each approved package received, $.02 will be donated to the non–profit organization or school of the consumer’s choice. Garnier is covering all costs and shipping. so participation in the Personal Care and Beauty Brigade is free for consumers. Consumers can sign-up online to participate and then download prepaid postage labels and collection materials from TerraCycle. They then collect enough packaging to fill a collection bag, affix the pre–paid postage label and drop it off at a UPS location. For more information see: www.terracycle.net

Ginsey Gets Greener

Currently offering booster seats, potty seats a step stool from Growing Up Green, a line of kids bamboo products with a mission to protect the environment for future generations while encouraging children to be eco-conscious, Ginsey has plans in place to add Stump! to the line-up soon. These tree-trunk shaped step stools are made of sprigwood, a bio-composite material constructed of bits of reclaimed wood and recycled plastic. In addition, Ginsey has partnered with TerraCycle, a Trenton, NJ company that pays organizations and schools to collect waste, such as candy wrappers, drink pouches and pens, which is then used to make environmentally responsible products. The company has high hopes for this partnership. “We are exploring several opportunities with TerraCycle and reviewing a component piece to our toilet seats that utilizes post-industrial pre-consumer waste,” says Ginsey’s Liz Sarson. “We hope our partnership will present an opportunity for homeowners to make a green statement in the home.

Stuur je afval op en steun een goed doel

BIC, wereldleider in schrijfwaren en correctieproducten, start samen met TerraCycle, een baanbrekend inzameling- en recyclingprogramma voor gebruikte schrijfwaren. Het programma richt zich op locaties waar veel schrijfwaren worden gebruikt, zoals scholen, kantoren en universiteiten. Instellingen die meewerken aan dit programma kunnen geld inzamelen voor educatieve projecten of een ander goed doel naar keuze.

Gesponsord afval krijgt tweede leven

Of het nu gaat om luiers, kauwgom, astma-inhalers of pennen; wat TerraCycle betreft zijn alle afvalstromen te up- of recyclen tot nieuwe producten. In de Verenigde Staten brengt het bedrijf dat principe al ruim tien jaar met succes in de praktijk. Nu is de beurt aan Europa.