Die Müllverbrennung und das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz

Vorbildlich ist das TerraCycle-Projekt [www.ftd.de/unternehmen/industrie/:terracycle-chef-im-portraet-tom-szaky-der-gruene-zuckerberg/60028575.html] des Jungunternehmers Tom Szaky. In seinem Blog schreibt er [http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/02/terracycles-quest-to-create-negative-cost-marketing]: At TerraCycle, we've done similar things. My book, Revolution in a Bottle, about the company's early days, generated almost six figures in income for the company, while also getting out the word about our products. I'm in the process of writing a second book, and our design team is working on one, too. We're also producing a magazine that will discuss the science of garbage and suggest crafts projects that make use of garbage (and when readers are done, they will have instructions on how to turn the magazine into a fruit bowl). We are partnering on the magazine project with a publishing house. We oversee production of the content, and the publisher finds the advertisers. Of course, we get a cut of the advertising revenue. We also recently introduced a Facebook game called Trash Tycoon [www.trashtycoon.com]. The idea is that a game player lands in a city covered in garbage and wins points for cleaning it up. The player can then build recycling facilities, trash cans, and other things that help clean up the city faster. After just one month, Trash Tycoon already has 360,000 active users. The game, which promotes the TerraCycle brand, was developed by Guerilla Apps at no cost to us. We are partners on all of the advertising revenue.

Die Müllverbrennung und das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz

Vorbildlich ist das TerraCycle-Projekt [www.ftd.de/unternehmen/industrie/:terracycle-chef-im-portraet-tom-szaky-der-gruene-zuckerberg/60028575.html] des Jungunternehmers Tom Szaky. In seinem Blog schreibt er [http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/02/terracycles-quest-to-create-negative-cost-marketing]: At TerraCycle, we've done similar things. My book, Revolution in a Bottle, about the company's early days, generated almost six figures in income for the company, while also getting out the word about our products. I'm in the process of writing a second book, and our design team is working on one, too. We're also producing a magazine that will discuss the science of garbage and suggest crafts projects that make use of garbage (and when readers are done, they will have instructions on how to turn the magazine into a fruit bowl). We are partnering on the magazine project with a publishing house. We oversee production of the content, and the publisher finds the advertisers. Of course, we get a cut of the advertising revenue. We also recently introduced a Facebook game called Trash Tycoon [www.trashtycoon.com]. The idea is that a game player lands in a city covered in garbage and wins points for cleaning it up. The player can then build recycling facilities, trash cans, and other things that help clean up the city faster. After just one month, Trash Tycoon already has 360,000 active users. The game, which promotes the TerraCycle brand, was developed by Guerilla Apps at no cost to us. We are partners on all of the advertising revenue.

Die Müllverbrennung und das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz

Vorbildlich ist das TerraCycle-Projekt [www.ftd.de/unternehmen/industrie/:terracycle-chef-im-portraet-tom-szaky-der-gruene-zuckerberg/60028575.html] des Jungunternehmers Tom Szaky. In seinem Blog schreibt er [http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/02/terracycles-quest-to-create-negative-cost-marketing]: At TerraCycle, we've done similar things. My book, Revolution in a Bottle, about the company's early days, generated almost six figures in income for the company, while also getting out the word about our products. I'm in the process of writing a second book, and our design team is working on one, too. We're also producing a magazine that will discuss the science of garbage and suggest crafts projects that make use of garbage (and when readers are done, they will have instructions on how to turn the magazine into a fruit bowl). We are partnering on the magazine project with a publishing house. We oversee production of the content, and the publisher finds the advertisers. Of course, we get a cut of the advertising revenue. We also recently introduced a Facebook game called Trash Tycoon [www.trashtycoon.com]. The idea is that a game player lands in a city covered in garbage and wins points for cleaning it up. The player can then build recycling facilities, trash cans, and other things that help clean up the city faster. After just one month, Trash Tycoon already has 360,000 active users. The game, which promotes the TerraCycle brand, was developed by Guerilla Apps at no cost to us. We are partners on all of the advertising revenue.

Die Müllverbrennung und das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz

Vorbildlich ist das TerraCycle-Projekt [www.ftd.de/unternehmen/industrie/:terracycle-chef-im-portraet-tom-szaky-der-gruene-zuckerberg/60028575.html] des Jungunternehmers Tom Szaky. In seinem Blog schreibt er [http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/02/terracycles-quest-to-create-negative-cost-marketing]: At TerraCycle, we've done similar things. My book, Revolution in a Bottle, about the company's early days, generated almost six figures in income for the company, while also getting out the word about our products. I'm in the process of writing a second book, and our design team is working on one, too. We're also producing a magazine that will discuss the science of garbage and suggest crafts projects that make use of garbage (and when readers are done, they will have instructions on how to turn the magazine into a fruit bowl). We are partnering on the magazine project with a publishing house. We oversee production of the content, and the publisher finds the advertisers. Of course, we get a cut of the advertising revenue. We also recently introduced a Facebook game called Trash Tycoon [www.trashtycoon.com]. The idea is that a game player lands in a city covered in garbage and wins points for cleaning it up. The player can then build recycling facilities, trash cans, and other things that help clean up the city faster. After just one month, Trash Tycoon already has 360,000 active users. The game, which promotes the TerraCycle brand, was developed by Guerilla Apps at no cost to us. We are partners on all of the advertising revenue.

Morgan County schools are ramping up recycling

For local students, collecting cans and bottles is more than a lesson about recycling, it’s about giving back to their school and community while helping the environment. Students at Poston Road and Paragon elementary schools have been hard at work collecting cans, bottles and other recyclables as part of a project for their high achievement class. The Poston Road program, a collaborative effort between students and recycling organizations TerraCycle and the Dream Machine Recycle Rally, combines the best of both worlds: Helping the environment while working toward the purchase of school equipment, program sponsor Donna Lehmann said. “Our high ability students are the ones really getting it up and going,” Lehmann said. “One of our students, Asher (Markita) and I were the only ones scanning the cans and bottles to start.” The program began with TerraCycle, a recycling company based in New Jersey, which allowed the students to collect normally non-recyclable trash such as Caprisun juice pouches, lunchables and chip bags, and ship them to TerraCycle for free and earn money for the school.

El reciclaje de material de escritura con destino para proyectos solidarios del Espacio Joven en el periódico Gente de Valladolid

La pasada semana el periódico de distribución gratuita Gente de Valladolid publico una noticia que hacía referencia al proyecto que el Espacio Joven esta llevando a cabo junto con TERRACYCLE para el reciclaje de material de escritura a cambio de una cantidad económica que se está destinando al Banco de Alimentos de la ciudad.

Brukt blir til nytt

Av: Sigrid Møyner Hohle[gallery link="file" columns="2" orderby="title"] – Vi vil eliminere ideen om søppel, sier Christina Røren, presseansvarlig i TerraCycle, gjenvinningsselskapet som kom til Norge i fjor. TerraCycle inviterer forbrukere til å sende inn spesifikke brukte forbruksvarer som selskapet deretter lager nye produkter av–helst ved å bearbeide det opprinnelige materialet minst mulig. Foreløpig kan nordmenn sende inn brukte kapsler og emballasje fra Tassimos varmdrikksmaskin, som så omformes til blant annet høyttalere, notatbøker, blomsterpotter og skjærebrett. SMART DESIGN Ideen om å ta utgangspunkt i en brukt ting eller et materiale for å lage et nytt produkt er langt fra ny. I 2002 ga William McDonough og Michael Braungart ut boka «Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things», som handler om hvordan man kan gi materialer nytt liv. Cradle-to-cradle – vugge-til-vugge – er blitt et begrep i designverdenen, og handler om å eliminere bruk og kast-tankegangen. Et viktig poeng for at materialer skal kunne brukes på nytt uten for store energikostnader, er at produkter designes på en slik måte at de er lette å plukke fra hverandre, og de ulike komponentene enkelt kan inngå i nye produkter. For eksempel kan giftstoffene i en mobil samles ett sted, plasten i en annen del. Forfatterne snakker i tillegg til resirkulering om både «upcycling» og «downcycling» (se faktaboks). ENERGIBESPARENDE TerraCycles produkter er eksempler på upcycling, eller oppvinning på norsk – at produktet får mer verdi i sin nye form, for eksempel som en korktavle, enn i sin gamle – for eksempel som brukt vinkork. De foretrekker dessuten å beholde mest mulig av formen og materialet til tingene de gjenvinner framfor for å bryte ned eller smelte om materialet. – Da spares mye energi, sier Christina Røren. Hun er opptatt av at alt avfall kan få nytt liv. I USA har firmaet eksperimentert med å samle inn tyggegummi som skal brukes i plastprodukter. Nå ser de på muligheten til å gjenvinne bleier. – Bleier er et enorm miljøproblem, så det er et spennende prosjekt, sier Røren. Tore Gulden er professor i produktdesign ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, og tror flere produsenter er blitt opptatt av «vugge-til-vugge»- prinsippene. Han trekker fram Håg- stoler som eksempel. Stolene er kjappe å demontere, noe som gjør det enklere å separere og resirkulere de ulike materialene når stolene ikke skal brukes lenger. Gulden driver designkonsulentbyrået 2025 Design sammen med Kjersti Kviseth. De driver delvis etter vugge-til-vugge-prinsippene, og har fokus på bærekraftig utvikling og materialgjenbruk når de hjelper kunder med produktutvikling. GODE ASSOSIASJONER Få produkter er designet med tanke på at de skal brukes som en annen ting etterpå. Men Gulden forteller at flere av studentene hans er opptatt av å bruke elementer av gamle ting i nye produkter. – Vi har tro på at det må ligge litt tilknytningsfølelser til det gamle produktet. Dersom noen har vært knyttet til et gammelt skap, kan man bruke materialene i et nytt skap. Produkter du har en historie med, er som oftest viktig for deg. Gulden tror prosjekter som TerraCycle kan gjøre det godt dersom de bruker materialer folk har gode assosiasjoner til. – Hvis man finner fram til elementer som treffer folk innen gjenkjennelse, tilhørighet og assosiasjoner, har jeg stor tro på at det kan lykkes, sier han. GAMMELT BLIR NYTT
  • Ombruk: Materialer brukes på nytt i sin originale form.
  • Resirkulering: Materialer fra avfall brukes som råstoff til å produsere nye varer eller ressurser.
  • Downcycling: En type gjenvinning hvor avfallsmaterialer eller produkter gjøres om til nye materialer eller produkter av dårligere kvalitet enn utgangspunktet.
  • Upcycling: En type gjenvinning hvor det nye produktet er av bedre kvalitet, eventuelt satt inn i en sammenheng som gir materialet ny økonomisk eller kunstnerisk verdi. Kan oversettes med oppvinning eller oppsirkulering.
  • Gjenvinningsinitiativ med fokus på ikke-resirkulerbart avfall, grunnlagt i 2001 av 19-åringen Tom Szaky.
  • Begynte å samle inn avfall i USA i 2007. Forbrukere kan sende inn brukte produkter fra merkeva- rene TerraCycle samarbeider med – fra juicekartonger til sykkelkjeder. Produk- tene gjøres om til nye produker.
  • Kom til Norge i oktober 2011. Samarbeider foreløpig med varmdrikks- maskinen Tassimo. Forbru- kere kan sende inn sine brukte kapsler og emballasje til TerraCycle. På TerraCycles hjemmeside kan man etter gratis registrering bestille en forhåndsbetalt forsendelsesetikett.
  • Opererer i 20 land. s Donerer over tre mill. dollar til veldedighetsorganisasjoner hvert år.
  • Har globalt samlet inn over 2,5 mrd. avfallsenheter ved hjelp av over 30 mill. deltakere. Mer info: www.terracycle.no