El arte de transformar bolígrafos en objetos útiles

Lo llaman ‘upcycling’pero para que nos entendamos todos, en y castellano,se trata de reciclar lo no recicable.Por ejemplo cuando alguien convierte un CD en un posavasos o una lata de conservas vacía en un cenicero lo está haciendo. Es decir, es el proceso de transformar un residuo, desfasado en un objeto útil, de igual o mayor valor que el original.Así TerraCycle,una compañía que lleva por lema ‘Aprovecha la basura’,ha aterrizado en Valladolid para poner en marcha esta iniciativa.

Suzano Papel e Celulose recupera embalagens, lança papéis com pegada de carbono, compensa emissões e alcança novo patamar em sustentabilidade

A Suzano Papel e Celulose, dando continuidade à estratégia de expandir a atuação sustentável da empresa para todos os elos da cadeia sob sua influência, dá novos passos em inovação e ganha destaque com ações que contemplam a gestão de emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa e a reciclagem de embalagens de papel antes descartadas em aterros. O Programa Brigada Suzano Report® em parceria com a TerraCycle, tem o objetivo de estimular uma ação coletiva voluntária para a recuperação de embalagens de papel cut-size, promovendo novos usos ao material antes descartado.

A Pleasant Surprise: Super Bowl XLVI Goes Green!

I’m not much of a sports guy myself. For me, sports seem to be a detraction from more serious issues. But, I noticed on our TerraCycle Facebook page that we’re running a cross-promotion with Frito Lay for Super Bowl XLVI and asking people how they’re greening their football parties. I started to wonder about the Super Bowl and how detrimental it must be to the environment.

Have an Actively Green Winter

January and February may be among the coldest months of the year, but doing fun activities with your families can alleviate some of that winter chill. This Valentine's Day, think about what you love - children, family, friends and this wonderful earth we all live on. It's easy to lose track of that glowing feeling we all walk around with during the Christmas and New Year's holiday once the new year actually arrives. Spend some extra time with your families to keep that feeling intact.

Stifte sammeln und Gutes tun

Deine Schule kann jetzt an der BIC und TerraCycle Stifte Brigade teilnehmen, einem Programm, das es euch ermöglicht, eure leeren Stifte zu sammeln und einzusenden, damit diese zu neuen Produkten recycelt werden können. Dadurch könnt ihr den Müll in eurer Schule reduzieren, natürliche Ressourcen schonen und auch noch einen guten Zweck unterstützen.

Die Müllverbrennung und das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz

Nur ein Prozent der Seltenen Erden werden über Recyclingverfahren wiedergewonnen. 99 Prozent gehen über die klassische Müllentsorgung verloren. Vorbildlich ist das TerraCycle-Projekt [www.ftd.de/unternehmen/industrie/:terracycle-chef-im-portraet-tom-szaky-der-gruene-zuckerberg/60028575.html] des Jungunternehmers Tom Szaky. In seinem Blog schreibt er [http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/02/terracycles-quest-to-create-negative-cost-marketing]: At TerraCycle, we've done similar things. My book, Revolution in a Bottle, about the company's early days, generated almost six figures in income for the company, while also getting out the word about our products. I'm in the process of writing a second book, and our design team is working on one, too. We're also producing a magazine that will discuss the science of garbage and suggest crafts projects that make use of garbage (and when readers are done, they will have instructions on how to turn the magazine into a fruit bowl). We are partnering on the magazine project with a publishing house. We oversee production of the content, and the publisher finds the advertisers. Of course, we get a cut of the advertising revenue. We also recently introduced a Facebook game called Trash Tycoon [www.trashtycoon.com]. The idea is that a game player lands in a city covered in garbage and wins points for cleaning it up. The player can then build recycling facilities, trash cans, and other things that help clean up the city faster. After just one month, Trash Tycoon already has 360,000 active users. The game, which promotes the TerraCycle brand, was developed by Guerilla Apps at no cost to us. We are partners on all of the advertising revenue.

Die Müllverbrennung und das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz

Nur ein Prozent der Seltenen Erden werden über Recyclingverfahren wiedergewonnen. 99 Prozent gehen über die klassische Müllentsorgung verloren. Vorbildlich ist das TerraCycle-Projekt [www.ftd.de/unternehmen/industrie/:terracycle-chef-im-portraet-tom-szaky-der-gruene-zuckerberg/60028575.html] des Jungunternehmers Tom Szaky. In seinem Blog schreibt er [http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/02/terracycles-quest-to-create-negative-cost-marketing]: At TerraCycle, we've done similar things. My book, Revolution in a Bottle, about the company's early days, generated almost six figures in income for the company, while also getting out the word about our products. I'm in the process of writing a second book, and our design team is working on one, too. We're also producing a magazine that will discuss the science of garbage and suggest crafts projects that make use of garbage (and when readers are done, they will have instructions on how to turn the magazine into a fruit bowl). We are partnering on the magazine project with a publishing house. We oversee production of the content, and the publisher finds the advertisers. Of course, we get a cut of the advertising revenue. We also recently introduced a Facebook game called Trash Tycoon [www.trashtycoon.com]. The idea is that a game player lands in a city covered in garbage and wins points for cleaning it up. The player can then build recycling facilities, trash cans, and other things that help clean up the city faster. After just one month, Trash Tycoon already has 360,000 active users. The game, which promotes the TerraCycle brand, was developed by Guerilla Apps at no cost to us. We are partners on all of the advertising revenue.