Die Müllverbrennung und das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz

Nur ein Prozent der Seltenen Erden werden über Recyclingverfahren wiedergewonnen. 99 Prozent gehen über die klassische Müllentsorgung verloren. Vorbildlich ist das TerraCycle-Projekt des Jungunternehmers Tom Szaky. In seinem Blog schreibt er: At TerraCycle, we’ve done similar things. My book, Revolution in a Bottle, about the company’s early days, generated almost six figures in income for the company, while also getting out the word about our products. I’m in the process of writing a second book, and our design team is working on one, too. We’re also producing a magazine that will discuss the science of garbage and suggest crafts projects that make use of garbage (and when readers are done, they will have instructions on how to turn the magazine into a fruit bowl). We are partnering on the magazine project with a publishing house. We oversee production of the content, and the publisher finds the advertisers. Of course, we get a cut of the advertising revenue. We also recently introduced a Facebook game called Trash Tycoon. The idea is that a game player lands in a city covered in garbage and wins points for cleaning it up. The player can then build recycling facilities, trash cans, and other things that help clean up the city faster. After just one month, Trash Tycoon already has 360,000 active users. The game, which promotes the TerraCycle brand, was developed by Guerilla Apps at no cost to us. We are partners on all of the advertising revenue.

Stylos neufs avec des vieux

L'association Pour nos enfants a créé une « brigade » des instruments d'écriture (1). L'objectif est de récupérer le plus grand nombre possible de stylos usagés qui seront envoyés, à ses frais, à la société TerraCycle qui reversera 2 centimes par stylo collecté.

TerraCycle Tuesday: Spotlight on Cell Phone Brigade

What can be TerraCycled in this category? Answer: any brand and type of cell phone (ex. flip phones, Tracfone/pay-as-you-go models, smartphones, iPhones) What CANNOT be TerraCycled in this category? Answer: house/portable phones, phone chargers, or loose batteries Depending on the type of phone you send in, we earn different amounts of TerraCycle points, which we redeem for money for our school. Here's what we earn: Standard Cell Phone – 100 TerraCycle points ($1 per phone) Smart phone – 750 TerraCycle points ($7.50 per phone) iPhone – 1,000 TerraCycle points ($10 per phone) The cell phone waste that we send out is either made into new refurbished products or recycled into various products. So if you have any old phones laying around, send them in! You'll be helping our school and the environment.

stylos neufs avec des vieux

L'association Pour nos enfants a créé une brigade des instruments d'écriture. L'objectif est de récupérer le plus grand nombre de stylos usagés qui seront envoyés, à ses frais, à la société TerraCycle qui reversera 2 centimes par stylo collecté.

Coppertone lança programa de reciclagem

A iniciativa conta com a parceria da TerraCycle, empresa que desenvolve produtos eco-amigáveis a partir de material reciclado. Cumprindo a primeira fase da Política Nacional de Resíduos sólidos, Coppertone oferece aos seus consumidores uma opção de descarte correto para as embalagens de seus produtos. O mote do programa é: "Ajude a proteger a pele do planeta".

Are Super Bowl Ads Worth The $3.5 Million?

The lede on an AP story in USA Today claims the Super Bowl is “still the hottest ticket in advertising.” But isn’t that kind of like saying that the $487.25 that "The Book of Mormon" commands for a prime orchestra seat less than 48 hours before show time is the hottest ticket on Broadway? They may be costly and they may be scarce but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a good deal for most people. Read more: http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/165103/are-super-bowl-ads-worth-the-35-million.html#ixzz1ljO3F39f