TerraCycle Tuesday: Spotlight on Cell Phone Brigade

TerraCycle Include USA
What can be TerraCycled in this category? Answer: any brand and type of cell phone (ex. flip phones, Tracfone/pay-as-you-go models, smartphones, iPhones) What CANNOT be TerraCycled in this category? Answer: house/portable phones, phone chargers, or loose batteries Depending on the type of phone you send in, we earn different amounts of TerraCycle points, which we redeem for money for our school. Here's what we earn: Standard Cell Phone – 100 TerraCycle points ($1 per phone) Smart phone – 750 TerraCycle points ($7.50 per phone) iPhone – 1,000 TerraCycle points ($10 per phone) The cell phone waste that we send out is either made into new refurbished products or recycled into various products. So if you have any old phones laying around, send them in! You'll be helping our school and the environment.