Quillan: les collégiens sensibilisés

Dans le cadre du projet "Agenda 21" Dans un avenir proche, de nouvelles actions vont voir le jour. En partenariat avec l'association Terra Cycle, les petits matériels d'écriture usagés seront collectés. Quelques centimes seront versés au foyer socio-éducatif pour chaque stylo, crayon ou feutre

Practical lessons, academic accomplishment for Ipswich student

Ipswich - Megan Frieberger is passionate about setting and achieving goals — whether it is earning top grades in school, generating community interest in environmental issues or competing in doubles tennis.
Frieberger works with TerraCycle, a non-profit that uses up-cycling where materials such as used juice drink wrappers are kept in their original, chemical state and reused for other items such as reusable shopping bags.


Kimberly-Clark Professional*, a global leader in contamination control solutions for laboratories and cleanrooms, and TerraCycle, a leading "upcycling" company, have joined forces to help pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities recycle cleanroom garments, including coveralls, hoods, boot covers, hair nets and masks. Through the collaboration, Kimberly-Clark Professional will become among the first to implement a large scale recycling program for non-traditional cleanroom waste streams, and TerraCycle will make its first voyage into the business-to-business market. "We are constantly looking to offer our customers innovations that will positively impact their productivity and profitability while preserving the environment," said Heather Torrey, Scientific Customer and Channel Marketing Manager, Global Scientific Business at Kimberly-Clark Professional. "The recycling program with TerraCycle further extends our sustainability initiatives, saving time, materials and ultimately money."

How to Get a Job in Green Business

With the unemployment rate depressingly high, it’s hard to find a job these days.  It can be even harder to find a job you’re really passionate about.  But if the environment is your passion, you’ll be happy to hear there are 2 million “green jobs” and that number is expected to double in the next 5 years. The current administration is putting millions of dollars into creating green jobs and support sustainable industries (the Solyndra debacle aside.)

Bic y TerraCycle se alían para reciclar bolígrafos usados

Con esta campaña, los ciudadanos pueden reciclar sus instrumentos de escritura y al mismo tiempo ayudar a recaudar dinero para asociaciones benéficas.

El pasado año 2011, BIC, el gran fabricante mundial de bolígrafos, y la compañía pionera de reciclaje TerraCycle, pusieron en marcha unprograma de recogida de bolígrafos en los lugares donde estos más se utilizan: colegios, universidades y empresas. Ambas compañías invitan a los consumidores a unirse a sus esfuerzos para reciclar más instrumentos de escritura y, al mismo tiempo ayudar a organizaciones benéficas o de acción social como Save the Children o Fundación + árboles.

Puntos de reciclaje para material de escritura

La concejalía de Medio Ambiente de Elda ha habilitado dos puntos -en el ecoparque y la propia concejalía- para la recogida, y posterior reciclaje, de material de escritura, como bolígrafos, estilográficas, fluorescentes, etc., que ya no se utilicen. El objetivo es evitar que este material acabe en los vertederos y que, en su lugar, pueda reciclarse para la fabricación de objetos como portalápices, papeleras o regaderas, según explicó el edil Jesús Sarabia. P. G.